释义 |
Jiang Jieshi 基本例句 蒋介石 On July 17,Jiang Jieshimade a statement at Lushan.七月十七日,蒋介石在庐山发表了谈话。 Did Luosifu really give order to assassinateJiang Jieshi?罗斯福果真下令暗杀蒋介石吗? The establishment of Kuomintang presidential system combinesJiang Jieshi's continuous inflation of power and feudal autocracy of Kuomintang naturally.抗战时期国民党总裁制确立的必然性,一是蒋介石不断膨胀的权欲与国民党封建独裁统治需要的“天然”结合; Dai Li says toJiang Jieshi: Zhang Xueliang is too persnickety, lian Yigen fishing rod also hates to part with beautiful money to buy.张学良从国家民族利益出发,写信叫他不要“做历史的罪 暧味时分的送礼技巧举足轻重 选择一件合适的“情感探测器” 对方的态度即刻不言自明人,好自为之”、鲍没有理睬,后来还当上了汪伪南京政府军政部部长。 It not only reflects the feudalistic traditional view of value ofJiang Jieshi,but also reflects the pragmatism color ofJiang Jieshias a modern statesman.它既反映出蒋介石封建主义的传统价值观 ,又体现了蒋介石作为现代政治家的实用主义色彩。 After Sun Yat-sen passed away, KMT Government headed byJiang Jieshigradually exposed its ambition for dictatorship, and carried out its large scale movement of purging the disloyal members from KMT.然随孙中山的逝世,以蒋介石为首的国民政府逐渐暴露了其推行独裁统治的野心,并采取了大规模的整理党务与清党运动; |