

单词 jettisoning
释义 jettisoning 英d'ʒetɪsnɪŋ美d'ʒetɪsnɪŋ COCA⁶⁷³⁹³BNC⁶³⁷⁵⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
动词 jettison:
throw away, of something encumberingthrow as from an airplaneverb.eject; throw overboard
同义词 abandon,abdicate,discard,dump,junk,scrap,shed,unloadcashier,cast,deep-six,expel,heave,hurl,maroon,reject,sloughcast off,throw away
反义词 assert,defend,hold,keep,maintain,put on,retain,save,allowtake in,take on
abandonmentnoun forsaking
cast offverb reject
abandon,discard,disown,jettison,throw away
chuckverb throw aside, throw away, throw out
abandon,can,cast,desert,discard,ditch,eighty-six,eject,fire,fling,flip,forsake,give the heave-ho,heave,hurl,jettison,junk,launch,pitch,quit,reject,relinquish,renounce,scrap,shed,shy,sling,slough,toss
chuckedverb throw aside, throw away, throw out
abandoned,cast,could,deserted,discarded,ditched,eighty-sixed,ejected,fired,flipped,flung,forsook,gave the heave ho,heaved,hurled,jettisoned,junked,launched,pitched,quit,rejected,relinquished,renounced,scrapped,shed,shied,sloughed,slung,tossed
deep sixnoun disposal
burial,burial at sea,bury,dumping,jettison,throw away
deep-sixnoun disposal
burial,burial at sea,dumping,jettison,toss Having been a member of the Symbian Foundation since its creation, Sony Ericsson are now jettisoning the aging platform for greener fields, leaving Nokia as the sole steward of the Symbian brand.
索爱,自塞班基金会创立以来就一直是其一员,现在抛弃了这一古老平台。如今诺基亚已成为塞班的最后掌门人。 yeeyan

Instead, Republican congressmen and state representatives in Texas seem eager to shore up their own districts by jettisoning minority neighbourhoods, university towns and other left-leaning voters.
德克萨斯州的共和党议员以及州代表,热衷于巩固自己的地区,放弃少数民族聚居的邻近地区、大学城等偏左的选民。 ecocn

After a horrid year, banks are jettisoning businesses that sold and traded complex credit securities.
经过险恶的一年,各家银行纷纷急于摆脱复杂信贷证券的出售和交易业务。 ebigear

But if IBM’s history is a guide, Microsoft may yet end up jettisoning its leader.
但若以 IBM的历史为鉴,那么微软也许最终仍然会抛弃它的领导者。 kekenet

But some of the things you're thinking of jettisoning are too valuable to lose.
但是抛弃其中一些实际上非常有价值的“废物”将直接导致你的失败。 yeeyan

But while many of Japan's older voters favor jettisoning the LDP, they may balk at its more ambitious changes.
不过,虽然日本许多中、老年选民倾向于抛弃自民党,但他们却对更加雄心勃勃的变革持保留态度。 iciba

But jettisoning Ferguson at this stage of the season would be pointless, heartless and disrespectful to the Scot's achievements in transforming United's fortunes.
但在赛季进行到目前阶段,抛弃弗格森并不明智,这是对这位曾经改变曼联命运的苏格兰教练的所取得成就的不尊重。 bioon

Companies are laying off thousands of workers and jettisoning goods and services normally purchased because they are no longer considered mission critical.
公司开始大批裁员,也放弃了采购一贯采购的货物;因为这些都不是最首要任务了。 www.justing.com.cn

I hope they start jettisoning a few of the useless apps that got through earlier.
我希望他们开始抛弃一些早期通过的无用应用。 yeeyan

Less well known is the jettisoning of advanced- skills teachers, who were expert professionals passing on best practice throughout many schools.
对有着优秀教学经验教师的放弃更令人摸不着头脑,他们是懂行的专家,能将优良的教学经验传播给许多学校。 yeeyan

The real news about “The Grand Design,” however, isn’t Mr. Hawking’s supposed jettisoning of God, information that will surprise no one who has followed his work closely.
然而真正的信息并不是霍金抛弃了上帝,这样的消息并不会让那些一直紧随跟读其著作的人们感到惊讶。 yeeyan

Therapy involves unraveling years of entrenched habits and jettisoning an eating- disorder identity that had been with them for decades.
治疗需要让她们摆脱的,是多年来根深蒂固的一些习惯,还有那个几十年来一直有进食障碍的自我形象。 yeeyan

There is chatter that they are contemplating a new club of core euro countries that can live within the rules, and jettisoning the rest.
有传言说他们正考虑抛弃那些带不动的累赘,建立一个欧元核心国联盟。 ecocn




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