

单词 jerked
释义 jerk·ed 英dʒɜːk美dʒɜːrk COCA¹³²⁵¹BNC¹¹³⁴⁵
v.急动²⁵;猛拉³³n.猛拉;急动;笨蛋³⁴; 蠢人adj.颠簸不稳的原型jerk的过去式和过去分词副词jerkingly名词jerker过去分词jerked现在分词jerking三单jerks
vt. 猛拉

pull sb/sth suddenly

vt. & vi. 使…猝然一动〔颤动〕

cause sb/sth move with a short sudden action or series of short uneven actions


sudden pull, push, twist


sudden involuntary twitch of a muscle

a dull stupid fatuous personan abrupt spasmodic movementmechanics the rate of change of accelerationmeat especially beef cut in strips and dried in the sunraising a weight from shoulder height to above the head by straightening the armsa sudden abrupt pull
pull, or move with a sudden movement;

He turned the handle and jerked the door open

move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions;

The patient's legs were jerkings

make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion;

his face is twitching

jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched;

the yung filly bucked

throw or toss with a quick motion;

flick a piece of paper across the table

jerk his head

jerk, tug, yank

这组词都可表示“拖,拉”。其区别在于:tug常指用力地拉,时间长,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动; jerk指突然地拉、扯或猛地一拽; yank暗示动作的突然性,常用来指单独一个大动作,而非一连串的迅速小动作。










用作动词 v.
~+名词jerk one's hand缩回手jerk the fishing rod挑起钓竿jerk the string猛一拉绳子~+介词jerk to a stop突然停住用作名词 n.形容词+~sharp jerk猛然一推名词+~knee jerk膝反射介词+~with a jerk突然一推~+介词jerk of an eyelid眼皮的一跳
jerk out v.+adv.

紧张而断断续续地说出utter sth in an abrupt nervous manner

jerk sth ⇔ outShe jerked out an apology to me.她结结巴巴地向我道歉。近义词 tow拖pull拉drag拖draw拖haul拖jolt震摇yank猛拉bump碰撞tug用力拉spasm抽筋hitch猛拉twitch急拉shudder战栗tremble战悚jerking颠簸dork俚笨蛋saccade急速勒马flick快速的轻打jerked meat肉干buck一美元jerky急动的
S+~+AWhen she heard the news, she jerked upright in surprise.当听到这则消息时,她惊讶得跳了起来。
The truck jerked along.卡车颠簸前进。
S+~+ n./pron.He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.他猛一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。
Try not to jerk the camera when you take a photograph.拍照时不要晃动照相机。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.The boy jerked the door open.这个小男孩猛然拉开了门。用作名词n.The knife was struck but she pulled it out with a jerk.那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔了出来。
His conscience works in jerks.他的良心在震颤。
用作动词The busjerkedto a stop.公共汽车猛然刹车停住了。
Hejerkedthe string and the puppet jumped.他猛地一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。用作名词He give his tooth a sharpjerkand it come out他猛一使劲把牙拔了下来
The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with ajerk.那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔了出来。
What'll I do if the boss is ajerk!上司如果是个怪人,怎么办?
But everybody else thinks he's ajerk.他自以为了不得,但其他人认为他是个傻瓜。noun.foolish person
同义词 blockhead,dolt,dunce,fool,idiot,imbeciledonkey,dopejackass,nitwit,numbskull,simpleton,twitverb.move with lurch
同义词 hurtle,fling,bump,flop,jolt,bounce,snatch,wriggle,wiggle,wrench,lug,thrust,tug,twitch,wring,yankflick,pull,quiver,whisk,sling,seize,dance,tweak,flip,pluck,snag,hook,shiver,quake,grab,wrest,throw,vellicate,shrug Mr. McCain put Mr. Day on the floor of their cell and, using his foot, jerked the broken bone into place.
麦凯恩把黛放到囚室的地板上,用脚把断骨踢回了原位。 ecocn

The car jerked to a stop.

The machine jerked into motion just when we were to give up hope.

The truck jerked along.

Enid put her hand on Tom's but he was still angry with her and jerked his hand away.
伊妮德把她的手放在汤姆的手上,但汤姆仍在生她的气,将自己的手猛然抽走。 hotdic

He made it through the night, Laurene next to him on the bed sometimes jerked up when there was a longer pause between his breaths.
他挺过来了,当他有呼吸长久停顿的时候,劳伦斯在他床的旁边惊起。 xici

He jerked from his thoughts as a fist punched into his jaw, snapping his head to the side.

He jerked the wheel to the right, somehow keeping the truck upright as it plowed60 feet down the embankment.
他向右急打方向盘,让卡车斜着耕下路堤60英尺,以免翻车。 yeeyan

He jerked out his story to his boss.

He jerked the fish out of the water.
他急忙一抖把鱼甩出水面。 www.1stenglish.com

He jerked the string up and the puppet jumped.
他猛拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。 hotdic

His head jerked up in her direction then went back to studying the ground.
他头抬向她的方向,接着又继续观察地面。 nciku

I stomped to the end of the driveway, jerked the cans off the ground and wheeled them to the garage.
我一路跺脚,走到跑道尽头。猛地拽起地上的垃圾桶,然后把它推进车库。 yeeyan

In the low-ceilinged canteen, deep underground, the lunch queue jerked slowly forward. The room was already very full and deafeningly noisy.
食堂的位置,在地下挺深挺深的地方。 这里天棚低矮,人流涌动,嘈杂喧闹,买午饭的长龙慢吞吞地往前移。 jukuu

Instead, I jerked backward, heard a loud pop, and fell.
相反,我是猛地向后倒去,只听砰的一声重响,我跌倒在地。 yeeyan

It worked much easier than he imagined, however, with the result that the car jerked quickly forward, throwing him back against the door.
可是,这东西起动起来比他想象的要容易得多,结果车猛地一下迅速朝前冲去,把他向后甩得靠在了车门上。 xddhy

Its graceful neck jerked twice and then straightened out, and the bird was still.
它优美的脖颈抽搐了两下,然后伸直了,鸟死了。 blog.5d.cn

My throat constricted. My hands jerked instinctively toward the bulges beneath my jacket. Above the stacks of hundred- dollar bills, I felt something shaped like an enormous suppository.
我嗓子发紧,手不自觉地去摸索我甲克里面的硬硬的还在不。在一捆捆的钞票上面,我感到了什么巨大的东西。 iciba

Reaching out a hand, the wizard caught hold of Hugh's chin and jerked the man's face to the torchlight.
巫师伸出手抓住修的下巴,把他的脸拉向火炬的光亮。 cndkc

The bus jerked along the rough road.
公共汽车在不平的路上颠簸行进。 tdict

The bus jerked to a stop.
公共汽车在一阵颠簸之后停下了。 hotdic

The dead marshal jerked spasmodically as the back of his head blew out, but the safety belt kept him erect in the chair.
被打死的警察后脑勺开了花,他的身体还在断断续续地抽搐,却无法挣脱安全带的束缚挺直。 yeeyan

There was a flash of silver light and I was jerked backwards, roaring winds whipping around me.
一道银光闪过,我被往后一推,周围刮着呼呼的风声。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

This instinct to move on is an admirable reflex that has jerked America out of the doldrums many times before.
这种继续前行的天性是一令人称赞的本能反射,这曾多次把美国从不景气中拯救。 ecocn

Thus jerked about in first one direction and then another, Israel should expect to feel quite rattled.
因此先是一个方向然后另一个方向的猛拉,预期以色列会感到非常慌乱。 blog.sina.com.cn




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