

单词 abrasions
释义 abrasions 英əb'reɪʒnz美əb'reɪʒnz COCA⁴⁸¹⁸⁵BNC⁴⁹⁶⁵⁹
擦除¹³; 擦破¹⁷; 磨损⁵³; 磨耗¹⁷原型abrasion的复数 The medical report confirms that Assiya’s hymen had been broken and that she had abrasions all over her body.
体检报告证实阿西娅的处女膜破裂并且全身均有损伤。 yeeyan

“ Yes, ” she says, “ You're checking for any abrasions or dermatological abnormalities.”
“知道”,美吕说,“你在检查擦伤和皮肤异常。” yeeyan

Can help to reduce the appearance of minor burns, skin abrasions and rashes.
能够缓解轻度表皮灼伤,皮肤擦伤和皮肤疹。 www.hahaha365.com

Contusions and abrasions were the second most common injury.
挫伤和擦伤是第二最常见的伤害。 dxy

Corneal abrasions are one of the most common, but also most neglected, eye injuries.
角膜擦伤是最常见的,却也是最容易被忽视的眼部外伤。 yeeyan

Corneal abrasions typically heal without serious complications over time with supportive care: ice compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops.
一般来说只要使用支持疗法——如冰敷及非甾体类消炎眼药水——角膜擦伤便会随着时间愈合且不遗留并发症。 yeeyan

Debris in the eye can lead to corneal abrasions, which can ultimately damage your vision.
进入眼里的碎屑会损伤眼角膜,最终会影响你的视力。 lailook.net

Diabetics should have their feet examined annually by a doctor and avoid shoes that cause abrasions and pressure.
糖尿病患者应该每年对双脚进行检查,并且避免穿那些容易擦伤和给脚施加压力的鞋子。 www.microcard2u.com

For nasal congestion caused by the cold, early Queensland bites, cracked skin wrinkles, mild burns, abrasions, sunburn and skin itching.
用于由伤风感冒所致的鼻塞,昆早叮咬,皮肤皱裂,轻度烧烫伤,擦伤,晒伤以及皮肤瘙痒等。 supply.sol.com.cn

If left untreated, it may lead to corneal abrasions, corneal scarring, microbial keratitis, and loss of vision.
若不治疗,它可能会导致角膜擦伤,角膜瘢痕,微生物性角膜炎,甚至失明。 yeeyan

Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of lidocaine on the acute skin abrasions in patients with analgesia.
目的观察利多卡因对急性表皮擦伤镇痛的临床疗效。 dictall

Parts will be free of physical damage or visual abrasions upon delivery.
产品发货过程中避免有形损坏或看得见的磨损。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Prophylactic antibiotics are commonly prescribed, especially for traumatic or surgical abrasions.
通常情况下还会酌情预防性使用抗生素,尤其是在外伤性或手术性擦伤时。 yeeyan

Quick healing for burns, wounds, abrasions, soothing and healing for stomach, outer part of leaf stimulates peristalsis, internal cleansing.
对烧伤,创伤,擦伤,舒缓,愈合,胃快速愈合,外叶部分刺激肠蠕动,内部清洗。 miraclesofhealth

Sand in the eye can be a painful experience that may lead to scratches on the eye corneal abrasions or an eye infection.
眼睛进沙是非常痛苦的,它会造成眼睛瘙痒角膜擦伤或眼部感染。 hxen

She has some bruises and abrasions on the legs.
她的两条腿上有些挫伤和擦伤。 dj.client.iciba.com

She had abrasions to her wrists where the abrasive rope had scraped her.
她的手腕有多出磨伤,那是被粗糙的绳子擦伤的。 hxen

The automobile was a total wreck, but the river, luckily, escaped with minor cuts and abrasions.
那辆汽车撞成了废铁一堆,但是驾驶员只有一点割伤与擦伤,逃过了一劫。 blog.sina.com.cn

These complications include infection, stump morbidity, abrasions and pressure sores and mobility problems associated with weight-bearing, often leading to fractures and limb failure.
这些并发症包括感染、病痛和在负重时的磨损、压疮和运动困难,这些问题经常导致骨折和假肢断裂。 yeeyan




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