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词汇 jemaah
释义 jemaahCOCA⁴⁴⁵⁸³
Al- Qaida in Aceh is a relatively new group made up of disaffected members of Jemaah Islamiyah, which is responsible for the2002 Bali bombings that killed202 people.
在亚齐的基地组织是一个相对来说比较新的组织,由伊斯兰祈祷团的离心分子组成。伊斯兰祈祷团制造了2002年巴厘岛爆炸案,导致202人丧生。 nyhf

Meanwhile, closer to home, Singaporean members of the Jemaah IslamiahJI targeted Americans whom they saw as supporting Israel and the continued persecution of Palestinians in apartheid conditions.
回教祈祷团的新加坡成员以美国人为攻击目标,因为他们认为美国人支持以色列,和被隔离的巴勒斯坦人继续被迫害。 hotdic

Jemaah Islamiah, an extremist group with branches across South-East Asia, was blamed for two suicide- bombings in luxury hotels in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, that killed nine people.
在整个东南亚都拥有分支的极端组织 Jemaah Islamiah,被指应对印度尼西亚首都雅加达发生的两起豪华酒店爆炸案负责。 爆炸致9人死亡。 ecocn

Areas where the security forces cannot or will not penetrate have become training grounds for other militant groups, notably Jemaah Islamiya, al- Qaeda's offshoot in South- East Asia.
安全部队不能或不愿挺进该地区,从而使该区域变成其他军事组织的训练场,其中著名的有伊斯兰祈祷团 Jemaah Islamiya和“基地”组织的东南亚分支团伙。 ecocn

Pray that the terrorist group Jemaah Islamiah and all other terrorist groups will be thrown into confusion, and will not be able to re- group, recruit, or have the capacity to be disruptive.




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