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词汇 jean-marie
释义 jean-marieCOCA⁵⁰⁴³⁷BNC³⁰⁹⁶¹
Wallace, virtual and imaginary shapes become real, creating a proposal of great impact designed by Jean-Marie Massaud.
使视觉上的和想象中的各种形状变成了现实, 同时对视觉和想象也是一种极大的冲击。 spaziochina

Whereas Jean-Marie thundered about losing Algeria and dismissed the gas chambers as a “ detail” of history, his daughter has called the Holocaust“ the height of barbarity”.
她父亲当时曾经大骂法国丢失了阿尔及利亚,并且毁掉了藏有历史“细节”的毒气室,她的女儿曾经称这个毒气室是“最野蛮的”大屠杀。 ecocn

Jean-Marie Lehn, French ambassador to China and winner of Nobel Prize for Chemistry delivered a speech.

But Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front says he has “ no hesitation” in taking part.
但是法国民族阵地的让•马利•勒庞表示:我会“毫无犹豫地”参拜。 ecocn

Mr Sarkozy himself knows that, if he does not take a tough approach, there is a candidate lurking on the far right who is eager to benefit: Jean-Marie Le Pen.
萨尔科齐先生自己则清楚得很,假如他不采取有力行动,就会让一位虎视眈眈的极右翼候选人占便宜,那就是勒庞。 ecocn

Yet there is a third force in politics, whose voice is less audible, but hardly less resonant: the far-right's Jean-Marie Le Pen.
但是政界还有第三支力量,尽管呼声相对低点,但却引起不少共鸣的极右翼的勒庞。 ecocn

Jean-Marie Le Pen, its thunderous81-year-old leader, pulled in23% in the south of France.
该党81岁的大嗓门领导人让玛丽勒庞,在法国南部赢得了23%的选票。 ecocn




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