jdrCOCA¹⁴³²⁴⁵ 基本例句 Japanese Depository Receipts 日本保管收据 In your position you report to the GM of JDR. 您将直接向金陵帝斯曼树脂有限公司总经理汇报。 findgs I attended with my DH and some other JDR members, along with about400 other people. 我是和我的 DH,其他几位 JDR成员,以及另外大约400名观众一起参加的。 mtime It's late and I'll post more tomorrow as I'm sure the other JDR people will as well. 现在有点晚了,我明天会贴更多内容上来,像其他 JDR的人做的那样。 mtime