

单词 jaw-dropping
释义 jaw-dropping ˈdʒɔːdrɒpɪŋ 高COCA⁴⁹⁵⁴⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb²⁰⁰⁰¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
The best players take their jaw-dropping skill to Europe, where they have helped numerous professional clubs to championships and helped redefine the sport in the process.
个中翘楚,漂洋过海,来到欧洲,精湛的球艺,助无数职业俱乐部捧得桂冠,也改写了足球运动。 yeeyan

The massive ambiguities, the jaw-dropping plot twists, the spicy Sichuanese reek of an unlikely life never quite filter through.
大量含混不清的情节,那些令人振奋的转折,以及充满辛辣的川菜香气的生活细节,在这本书中很难得到呈现。 yeeyan

The most jaw-dropping thing about the CMB results is that the cosmologists' model, which has only a half- dozen adjustable parameters, fits the data at all.
而 CMB研究最让人惊讶的结果是宇宙学家创造的模型,这个模型只有6个可变参数,但却解释了一切。 ufochn

With Mount Kilimanjaro looming in the distance, its wide- open, rolling grasslands offer some of the most jaw-dropping scenery in a country full of such views.
远处的乞力马扎罗山,时隐时现,视野一片开阔。 茫茫草原,“草”浪翻滚,目及之处,景色怡人,目不暇接。 yeeyan

Along the way, he encounters not only jaw-dropping beauty, but also snakes, scorpions, bears and bugs.
沿途中,他所遇到的不仅有令人张口结舌的美丽,同样还有蛇,蝎子,熊和虫子。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

But for jaw-dropping rudeness, this1970 cover of Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon takes the Duchy Original: “What’s all this about us rowing in public?”
但是这张1970年的玛格丽特公主和斯诺登勋爵的对话让公国颜面尽失:“在公众场合划船对我们意味着什么?” yeeyan

This jaw-dropping news also provoked a credit crisis for Charlene who always impressed the public with her very girly image.
这个爆炸性新闻也对蔡卓妍造成了信任危机,她一直是以很少女形象示人的。 yeeyan




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