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词汇 Javert
释义 JavertCOCA¹⁷¹⁴¹⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
In the twinkling of an eye, before Javert had time to turn round, he was collared, thrown down, pinioned and searched.
一眨眼,沙威还没有来得及转过头去望一眼,他已被揪住衣领,按倒在地,用绳索绑了起来,身上也被搜查了。 ebigear

That which he had perceived in movement an instant before, in the distant darkness, was Javert and his squad without a doubt.
他先头望见的远远地在他背后黑影里移动的,一定就是沙威和他的队伍。 ebigear

The reader will have no difficulty in understanding that Javert was the terror of that whole class which the annual statistics of the Ministry of Justice designates under the rubric, Vagrants.
有一个阶级,在司法部的统计年表上是被称为“游民”的,我们不难理解为什么沙威是那个阶级的阎王。 ebigear

When Jean Valjean was left alone with Javert, he untied the rope which fastened the prisoner across the middle of the body, and the knot of which was under the table.
剩下了冉阿让单独和沙威在一起,他解开那根拦腰捆住犯人的绳索,绳结在桌子下面。 ebigear

Without himself suspecting the fact, Javert in his formidable happiness was to be pitied, as is every ignorant man who triumphs.
沙威在他这种骇人的快乐里,正和每一个得志的小人一样,值得怜悯。 ebigear

“ Then give me a drink,” said Javert.
沙威说:“那就给我一点水喝。” ebigear

“He is a dead man,” said Javert.
“是一个死人。”沙威说。 ebigear

Before proceeding further, let us come to an understanding as to the words, “ human face,” which we have just applied to Javert.
在谈下去之前,让我们先弄清楚刚才我们加在沙威身上的“人脸”这个词。 ebigear

Besides this, Javert possessed in his eye the feline phosphorescence of night birds.
况且沙威的眼睛有着夜鸟那种象猫一样的磷光。 ebigear

Bumpers opened his argument by bashing Starr’s investigation: Javert’s pursuit of Jean Valjean in Les Misrables pales by comparison.
邦珀斯开场就对斯塔尔的调查进行了抨击:《悲惨世界》一书中沙威对冉阿让的跟踪追捕与之相比也黯然失色。 yeeyan

Fantine had not seen Javert since the day on which the mayor had torn her from the man.
芳汀,自从市长先生把她从沙威手中救出来以后,还没有看见过沙威。 ebigear

Give to this dog-son of a wolf a human face, and the result will be Javert.
你把一副人脸加在那狼生的狗头上,那便是沙威。 ebigear

It will be remembered that the fundamental point in Javert, his element, the very air he breathed, was veneration for all authority.
我们记得,沙威的本性,他的气质,他的一呼一吸都是对权力的尊崇。 ebigear

Jean Valjean did, in fact, take possession of Javert, by seating himself on the end of the table.
冉阿让坐在桌子一端,的确已占有了沙威。 ebigear

On the afternoon following the visit of Javert, M. Madeleine went to see Fantine according to his wont.
在沙威走访的那个下午,马德兰先生仍照常去看芳汀。 ebigear

That same night, Javert wrote a letter.
沙威在当天晚上写了一封信。 ebigear

The messenger himself was a very clever member of the police, who, in two words, informed Javert of what had taken place at Arras.
这专差也是个精干的警吏,一两句话便把在阿拉斯发生的事向沙威交代明白了。 ebigear

The sister's affirmation was for Javert so decisive a thing that he did not even observe the singularity of that candle which had but just been extinguished, and which was still smoking on the table.
这姆姆的话,在沙威听来,是那样可靠,以至刚吹灭的还在桌上冒烟的这支耐人寻味的蜡烛也没有引起他的注意。 ebigear

Their faces almost touched. Javert's look was terrible.
他们的脸几乎相碰,沙威的目光令人感到恐怖。 ebigear

These two encounters, this falling one after the other, from Thenardier upon Javert, was a rude shock.
这两次接连的相遇,从德纳第掉到沙威手中,实在使人难堪。 ebigear

They recognized Javert's voice.
他们辨别出这是沙威的声音。 ebigear

When Javert had disappeared, Jean Valjean fired his pistol in the air.
当沙威已看不见了,冉阿让向天空开了一枪。 ebigear

You will ask for Inspector Javert.
您说要找侦察员沙威就行了。 ebigear

Javert owed the post which he occupied to the protection of M. Chabouillet, the secretary of the Minister of State, Comte Angeles, then prefect of police at Paris.
沙威取得这个职位是夏布耶先生保荐的,夏布耶先生是昂格勒斯伯爵任内阁大臣期间的秘书,当时任巴黎警署署长。 ebigear

Javert, to all appearances, was acquainted with this little labyrinth, and had taken his precautions by sending one of his men to guard the exit.
从所有已知迹象方面看,沙威是熟悉这一小块地方复杂的地形的,他已有了准备,派了他手下的一个人去守住了出口。 ebigear

Javert asked the rest of the ruffians.
沙威问其余的匪徒。 ebigear

Javert drew four napoleons from his pocket and dismissed the carriage.
沙威在口袋里取出四个金拿破仑,把马车打发走了。 ebigear

Javert was not easily astonished.
沙威是不容易吃惊的。 ebigear

Javert watched the quarter for more than a month.
沙威注视着那地区足足有一个多月。 ebigear




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