

单词 jarringly
释义 jar·ringly 英dʒɑːʳ美dʒɑːr 高COCA⁸⁴²⁷⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵⁰⁴³²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

cylindrical container, usually made of glass


glass of beer

vi. 使人感到不快

make an unpleasant sound

vt. 使震动

give an unpleasant shock to

vi. 不和谐; 不一致

go badly together

a vessel usually cylindrical with a wide mouth and without handlesthe quantity contained in a jar;

he drank a jar of beer

a sudden jarring impact;

the door closed with a jolt

all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers

be incompatible; be or come into conflict;

These colors clash

move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motionshock physically;

Georgia was shaken up in the Tech game

affect in a disagreeable way;

This play jarred the audience

place in a cylindrical vessel;

jar the jam

用作名词 n.
形容词+~large jar大罐子old jar旧罐子名词+~wine jar酒罐~+介词a jar of plum jam一瓶梅子酱用作动词 v.~+副词jar disastrously灾难性地震动jar economically经济上地不和谐jar mysteriously秘密地不和谐jar roughly粗鲁地震动jar rudely无礼地震动jar terrifically可怕地震动~+介词jar against触及某物时发出尖锐刺耳的声音jar with与某物不一致与某物不协调; 与某种意见相左,不一致
jar against v.+prep.

触及某物时发出尖锐刺耳的声音 touch (sth with a sharp unpleasant noise)

jar against sthThe boy jarred against a broken metal pail.那个男孩敲着破铁桶,发出刺耳的声音。
The boat, coming in too close, jarred against the protective edging of the harbour wall.这条船开得太近了,撞在码头护墙上,发出刺耳的声音。
The plane jarred against the top of the building.飞机撞到建筑物的顶部,发出刺耳的声音。
jar on v.+prep.

使人心烦; 刺激某人的神经; 听起来令人难受 annoy sb; offend sb's sensitivity; be painful to hear

jar on sb/sthThe baby's endless crying jars on my nerves.这孩子哭起来没完没了,我心里真烦。
The way he laughs jars on my nerves.他大笑的样子真让我难受。
The singer's high notes jarred on the ears of her listeners.那位歌手的高音让听众们觉得刺耳。
The boy's manner of speech jarred on the teacher, who came from a different part of the country.那位孩子说话的神态使那位来自外地的老师感到不舒服。
jar with v.+prep.

与某种意见相左,不一致 disagree with; be opposite to sth

近义词 pot罐urn瓮crock壶cruse罐grate栅jolt震摇jerk急动bash怒殴bump碰撞shake摇动irk使厌倦clash冲突shock震惊bounce弹起vessel容器jounce震动jarful一瓶annoy使恼怒collide碰撞irritate激怒container容器jam jar果酱罐rattle嘎嘎作响glass container玻璃容器shake up使改组, 使重组, 使震…
用作名词n.The jar contained assorted hard candies.这个罐子里装有什锦糖。
The jar holds water.坛子装满了水。
He's going down to the bar for a few jars tomorrow.他打算明天去酒吧喝几杯啤酒。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe two colours jar.这两种颜色不谐调。
Try to avoid colours that jar when choosing curtains and rugs.选择窗帘和地毯时,设法避免颜色不谐调。
S+~+ n./pron.The fall jarred every bone in my body.那一跤摔得我浑身骨头酸痛。
He jarred his back badly when he fell.他跌倒时背部撞得很厉害。
The earthquake jarred the city and the surrounding countryside for miles.地震动摇了那座城市及周围很远的乡村。
The children's screams jarred my nerves.孩子们的尖声喊叫刺激了我的神经。
He was badly jarred by the blow.那次打击对他的神经震动得很厉害。
She was jarred by the sad news.她因这条不幸的消息而深受刺激。
He was once more jarred awake by the ringing telephone.他又一次被电话铃声惊醒。





用作不及物动词The iron gatejarredwhen he opened it.他开门时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。
His harsh criticismjarredwith the friendly tone of the meeting.他批评得十分尖刻,与会议中的友好气氛很不协调。
Their opinionjarredwith ours.他们的意见与我们不一致。用作及物动词The decision will jar the country.这项决定将震动这个国家。 Few analysts were expecting Apple to crush Wall Street's numbers so jarringly.
少数分析师会认为苹果业绩能大幅度超出华尔街预期。 yeeyan

The firm's technological and aesthetic savvy has helped visualize much more, including taxi traffic, real- estate values, even crime patterns-- all depicted in jarringly gorgeous maps.
该公司的技术和艺术天赋可以帮助出租车交通、房产信息甚至犯罪模式等各种信息进行图形化并绘制成内容丰富的网络图。 yeeyan

Xiaochun references a very literal history of painting, jarringly reinterpreted through the synthetic medium of computer- manipulation as well as photography.
晓春表现的一个非常个人化的艺术历史,给电脑操作合成媒体与摄像下了新的定义。 www.mahoo.com.cn




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