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词汇 Jarod
释义 JarodCOCA¹⁴⁶⁰⁹⁶
However, Desdel took offense at Jarod's effort and ordered him away on pain of imprisonment.
戴斯德却对迦洛德的做法大为光火并且威胁如果不滚开就把他投入监狱。 ngacn

Jarod gave Malfurion the power to decide his reckless brother's fate, and so it was Malfurion who sentenced Illidan to an imprisonment that would last ten thousand years.
迦洛德·影歌让玛法里奥来决定如何处置他这个不计后果的弟弟伊利丹。玛法里奥将伊利丹投入监狱,一关就是一万年。 ngacn

Jarod left Illidan's punishment to Malfurion who felt it would be the height of folly to leave Illidan free to continue his reckless pursuit of power.
迦洛德·影歌将伊利丹的惩处交给了玛法里奥-他认为放任伊利丹继承他不计后果的魔法追求是愚蠢的。 jiananman

Jarod, denial is a very human response to a devastating loss. But this is a reality that must be faced, no matter how painful it may be.

A reluctant army commander, Jarod was deeply gladdened by the end of the war.
作为一个不情愿的指挥官,迦洛德对战争的结束深感欣慰。 ngacn

At last the waters subsided, and Jarod led a group of night elves to scout the area for drinkable water.
在洪水退去之后,迦洛德带了一队暗夜精灵去找饮用水。 ngacn

Introduction It introduce the former researches of Jarod Huren Wulger selection aim for the topic and research methods.
导论部分,主要介绍了研究概况,选题目的和研究方法等。 fabiao

Malfurion's absence from the battlefield had frustrated the massive demon, who decided to take out his fury on Jarod.
没在战场上见到玛法里奥·怒风让这个大恶魔很失望,他决定把这一腔的怒火发泄到迦洛德身上。 ngacn

Once you have made the correct choice10 times, the crowd will riot, allowing you to rescue Jarod Shadowsong.
当你正确的选择了10次技能后,人群会暴动起来,允许你营救加洛德·影歌。 woshicainiao

Thus, Jarod sought out one of the priestesses of Elune in the hope that she could heal his prisoner.
于是,迦洛德打算找了个艾露恩的女祭司看看能不能治疗他的囚犯。 ngacn

Very likely Archimonde took even greater pleasure in the prospect of finally breaking Jarod's iron will.
很可能阿克蒙德非常期待最终能打垮迦洛德钢铁般的意志。 ngacn

When Jarod asked Desdel what action to take, the panicked noble had no useful response.
当迦洛德请示戴斯德采取什么行动的时候,这个惊恐的贵族没有任何有用的回复。 ngacn

Jarod and his soldiers were responsible for watching over the four strongest spellcasters of the night elf army: Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage, the human wizard Rhonin, and Krasus.
迦洛德和他的士兵的任务就是保护暗夜精灵军的四个强力施法者:玛法里奥·怒风,伊利丹·怒风,罗宁,克拉苏斯。 ngacn

Jarod has a pair of invisible wings?
Jarod有一双隐形的翅膀? dooztv

Jarod yanked his mount aside just in time to avoid an agonizing death.
迦洛德猛拉他坐骑跑到一边才免于痛苦的死去。 ngacn




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