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词汇 Japanese media
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S. occupation.To promote such peacefulness, theJapanese mediaand intellectuals created an image of Japan as a warlike place that had to be prevented from rearming at all costs.为了推进世界和平,日本媒体和情报机构将日本打造成一个应不惜一切代价阻止其恢复军事武装的尚武国家。
If so, would theJapanese mediafeel gratitude to the Chinese soldiers?那样日本媒体是否要感谢中国武警?
Japanese mediasay the officials may discuss installing a defense hotline between the nations.日本媒体说,两位官员可能会讨论在两国间设置一条防务热线。
According toJapanese mediareported that Nintendo will be launched during the year 2008 a new host nds.据日本某媒体报道,任天堂公司将于2008年内推出新型nds主机。
Japanese mediahave been digging up video of Hatoyama‘s formerly less-known artsy side.这段时间日本媒体纷纷曝料鸠山早年少为人知的具有艺术气质的一面。
I did quite a few interviews at the Baccarat event.What strikes me here is that theJapanese mediaare always so well prepared for the interviews.我在颁奖典礼上接受了大量的采访,给我印象很深的是日本媒体在采访之前都会做好充足的功课。




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