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James Morris 基本例句 詹姆斯·莫里斯 Agency directorJames Morrissays it is now looking to China's expertise and resources to form a broader partnership to combat hunger worldwide.该机构总干事詹姆斯.莫里斯说,粮食计划署现在希望利用中国的专长和资源在消除世界饥饿的方面形成更广泛的伙伴关系。 That could make them particularly vulnerable to bacterial infections, saidJames Morris, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Lancaster, who co-authored an accompanying commentary in the journal.兰卡思特皇家医院的病理学家詹母士.;莫立斯称,此时婴儿很脆弱,易患细菌感染。詹母士 |