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词汇 James Baker
释义 James Baker
This group is led by former Secretary of StateJames Bakerand former Congressman Lee Hamilton.该小组是由美国前国务卿詹姆斯·贝克和前国会议员李·汉米尔顿领导的。
The two chairmen of the group-Lee Hamilton, a former Indiana congressman, andJames Baker, a former secretary of state-will be fixtures on the airwaves for days.两位领导小组的主席:前印地安那州的议员李汉密尔顿,以及前国务卿詹姆斯贝克将会在随后的电视广播中,一连几天,马不停蹄地接受访问。
For the entire 387 minutes that U.S. Secretary of StateJames Bakerand Iraqi Foreign Minister Iariq Aziz met in Geneva last week, a brown manila envelope lay unopened on the table, mute testimony to the breach between their positions.美国国务卿詹姆斯 - 贝克同伊拉克外长塔里克 - 阿齐兹上星期在日内瓦会谈,在整整三百八十七分钟的时间里,谈判桌上一直摆着一个没有拆开的棕色马尼拉纸信封,这成了他们之间立场分歧无言的见证。
Other former secretaries of state from both Republican and Democratic administrations who attended included Madeleine Albright, Lawrence Eagleburger,James Baker, George Shultz and Alexander Haig.据路透社报道,布什将于5日“跳出小圈子”,召集多位前国务卿和国防部长,听取他们对伊拉克局势的看法。




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