

单词 jamaicans
释义 jamaicans dʒəˈmeikənz COCA⁵⁰³²⁴BNC⁴²³⁸⁰
n.牙买加人的Jamaican的名词复数原型jamaican的复数 Loud, confident groups of Jamaicans drank beer on the street and heckled passing Americans.

This ecologically diverse wilderness—where prized coffee is grown—is rarely trekked by Jamaicans, let alone foreign visitors.
连牙买加人都很少涉足这块生态多样化的荒野之地——这里生长珍贵的咖啡——更别说外国游客了。 yeeyan

My hunch is that that is right, and that we’re every bit as open-minded about racial minorities as Jamaicans already were a quarter- century ago.
我的直觉告诉我,那是对的,对待少数族裔方面我们会像牙买加25年前一样开明。 yeeyan

Runners of West African descent, which includes Jamaicans, seem to be built for speed.
包括牙买加人在内的西非人后裔,似乎天生就具有快速奔跑的能力。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The violence is feeding a gay“brain drain”, with some of the brightest Jamaicans leaving for the United States or Canada.
这些暴力活动正在造成牙买加有同性恋癖好的人才的流失,其中的一些精英已经离开故国,奔赴美国、加拿大。 ecocn

There's more to Jamaicans than reggae, including an accent that's the envy of the English-speaking world and the planet's most distinctive and recognizable hairstyle.
牙买加不只有雷鬼音乐,牙买加人有一口迷人的口音,还有全球最独特的发型。 www.51share.net




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