

单词 Jalon
释义 Jalon
The Reds enjoyed their first run-out on Singapore soil at theJalonBezar sports club in early evening.队员们晚间在JalonBezar体育中心完成了踏上新加坡的第一次训练。
And the sons of Esra, Jether, and Mered, and Epher, andJalon, and he beget Mariam, and Sammai, and Jesba the father of Esthamo.厄次辣的儿子:耶特尔、默勒得、厄斐尔和雅隆。彼提雅生米黎盎、沙买和厄市特摩的父亲依市巴。
And the sons of Ezrah: Jether and Mered and Epher andJalon; and she conceived and bore Miriam and Shammai and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa.17以斯拉的儿子是益帖、米列、以弗、雅伦。米列的妻子比提雅怀孕,生米利暗、沙买、和以实提摩之祖益巴。
And the sons of Ezra were, Jether, and Mered, and Epher, andJalon: and she bare Miriam, and Shammai, and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa.18以斯拉的儿子是益帖,米列,以弗,雅伦。米列娶法老女儿比提雅为妻,生米利暗,沙买,和以实提摩之祖益巴。米列又娶犹大女子为妻,生基多之祖雅列,梭哥之祖希伯,和撒挪亚之祖耶古铁。
And the sons of Ezrah: Jether and Mered and Epher andJalon;以斯拉的儿子是益帖,米列,以弗,雅伦。




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