

单词 jaggers
释义 jaggers
Mr Jaggers clearly thought Joe was a fool for refusing money, and left the house, reminding me to go straight to his office in London in a week's time.
贾格斯先生虽然认为乔拒绝要钱是一个大傻瓜,并提醒我在一周内直接到他的办公室那里,接着离开了我们。 okread

Pip and Joe meet the lawyer, Jaggers, at the local pub.
皮普和乔在当地俱乐部偶然遇上了一名律师,贾格斯。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jaggers tells them that Pip is to be released from his apprenticeship to Joe and become a gentleman and is to go to London to begin his education.
贾格斯说皮普要摆脱与乔的学徒关系,即将去伦敦接受教育,做一位绅士。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jaggers relates to Pip and Joe that Pip has great expectations through an unnamed benefactor which Pip assumes is Miss Havisham.
贾格斯告诉他们皮普将有一位匿名施主帮助他实现自己的远大前程,这让皮普以为是哈维沙姆的恩惠。 blog.sina.com.cn




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