

单词 jadeite
释义 jade·ite 英ˈdʒeɪˌdaɪt美ˈdʒeˌdaɪtAHDjāʹdīt' 高COCA¹¹⁹⁴⁴⁹BNC⁴⁹²⁴¹iWeb⁴⁶⁶⁶⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a hard green mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate in monoclinic crystalline form; a source of jade; found principally in Burmajade-ite属于…⇒n.翡翠⁶³;硬玉³⁷n.矿硬玉³⁷;硬玉的一种
用作名词The two most important factors in judgingjadeiteis color and texture.评价翡翠首饰最重要的两个因素是颜色和质地。
Nephrite andjadeitewere used by people from the prehistoric for similar purposes.软玉和硬玉从史前开始就被人们用于一个同样的目的。 It is applicable to use color scale in the grading of color of jadeite jades.
说明以色差大小为标准,对绿色翡翠颜色进行分级的可行的。 qk114

The characteristics of jadeite jade consumption on internet are that the consumers prefer to low-end products with traditional styles, sorts of jadeite jade and auction on internet.
网络翡翠消费的主要特点是消费商品以低档为主、消费者钟爱传统题材、重视翡翠种质以及网上拍卖。 iciba

The identification of yellow jadeite, however, is a headache to the gemstone testing organizations.
而黄色翡翠鉴别是珠宝鉴定部门的难题。 chemyq

The identification procedures of several yellow imitation of jadeite encountered by the author recently is expatiated so as to draw attention of the customers.
笔者对最近工作中遇到的几种黄色仿翡翠玉石的鉴定过程进行了阐述,以引起消费者的重视。 chemyq

The key of the existence and development of business marketing of jadeite jade on internet is the sincerity.
网络翡翠市场生存与发展的关键是网络诚信。 iciba

This paper discusses the definition and the texture types of jadeite jade.
翡翠的结构是决定翡翠质量的重要因素。 dj.client.iciba.com

A systematic study shows that to detect and judge the colloidal fillings accurately is the key to judge a treated jadeiteClass B accurately and is the only criterion.
通过系统研究,认为正确检测判断胶质充填物是正确判断处理翡翠玉件 B货的关键,也是唯一准则。 dictall

Based on the green color characterization of quantitative research, figures to quantify the color of green jadeite jade are used to distinguish subtle color differences.
对翡翠颜色的定量表征能解决商贸中所碰到的翡翠颜色评价的困难。 qk114

Based on the standard sample,24 jadeite jades are sorted in descending order according to the rank of color, which is in compliance with human vision capability.
并在标样下,按色差从小到大对24粒翡翠标本进行排序,得到绿色翡翠颜色色级从高到低的排列,其结果符合人眼视觉。 qk114

Green imitation of jadeite product is commonly encountered in the market and easily identified by the lab.
绿色的仿翡翠制品在市场比较常见,一般实验室也较容易鉴别。 chemyq

However, during the evaluation of the color of jadeite jade, people rely on experience to observe, but an objective and uniform metric evaluation criteria is lacked.
但对绿色翡翠颜色的评价,目前只能凭借经验对翡翠的颜色进行主观观察,而缺少客观、同一的度量评价标准。 qk114

Let buyer find collection value and the inborn beautiful quality of jadeite really here!
让买家在这里真正找到翡翠的天生丽质和收藏价值! hicoo

Mature male Dai Zhuo mounts the ring that has big grain jadeite ring surface to appear in public on public place or cocktail party.
甚至有成熟男性戴着镶有大粒翡翠戒面的戒指在公共场所或酒会上抛头露面。 hicoo

Pearl spring and Jadeite spring are major spring resources in this spot.
珍珠泉和翡翠泉为沟内出露的主要泉水; cnki

So, the method for testing the content of wax in jadeite jade is quite important.
因此,测定翡翠中蜡的质量分数成为了其鉴定的重点。 dictall

So, the mineral component of jadeite is the most basic basis in evaluation of jade quality, and is of very important gemological significance.
所以,翡翠的矿物组成是质量分级评价最根本的依据,具有很重要的宝石学意义。 cnki

Tengchong jadeite is famous in domestic market, therefore it should have appropriate registered trademark in order to promote commercial development.
腾冲翡翠在国内珠宝市场上闻名遐迩,应有一个相应的注册商标,以适应其商业发展。 cnki

The wavy lines on the polished surface of jadeite jade are visible to the naked eye or observation under magnification.
通过肉眼和放大镜下观察,翡翠玉器的抛光表面一般都可见到微波状起伏,即微波纹。 dictall

Using relatively density one can distinguish easily between jadeite and nephrite.
利用相对密度可以很容易区分翡翠和软玉。 course.cug.edu.cn

Jadeite, is also called jade, the proportion reached3.33, harder than nephrite.
二是硬玉,俗称翡翠,其比重达到3.33,硬度高于软玉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jadeite is the one of rare kind in jade, so it is praised as“ king in the jade”, stand side by side one of the seven top- grade precious stones of the world.
翡翠是玉石中最为珍贵和稀有的品种,被誉为“玉石之王”,并列于世界七大宝石之一。 cnki




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