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Jack·so·ni·an·ism 基本英英例句 adj.美国第七任总统杰克逊的;杰克逊思想政策的¹⁰⁰名词Jacksonianism Noun: a follower of Andrew Jackson or his ideas Adjective: of or pertaining to Andrew Jackson or his presidency or his concepts of popular democracyThis was the triumph of Jacksonian democracy.这是杰克逊式民主的胜利。 Jacksonian Democracy, in some ways contemptible, was nevertheless a generous faith.杰克逊式的民主,尽管在某些方面为人所不齿,然而未始不是一种高尚的信仰。 Jacksonian Democracy, in some ways contemptible , was nevertheless a generous faith.杰克逊式的民主,尽管在某些方面为人所不齿,然而未始不是一种高尚的信仰。 Jacksonian America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral conditions.杰克逊时代的美国并非一个贵贱流变不居、贫富瞬间转换的平均主义社会。 Certain of his later novels, while conventional in treatment and unresolved in attitude, shed considerable light on the social dilemmas of Jacksonian America.他的某些后期小说,虽则仍运用传统手法,观点也不够鲜明,仍可从中窥见不少杰克逊时代美国的社会问题。 The campaign of 1828, in which his Jacksonian opponents charged him with corruption and public plunder, was an ordeal Adams did not easily bear.1828年的选举,对亚当斯来说是难以承受的严酷考验,站在杰克逊那边的反对者们指责他腐败和公然抢劫。 |