

单词 jacker
释义 jack·er 英dʒæk美dʒæk COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺

device for raising heavy weights off the ground

vt. 用千斤顶顶起

raise sth using a jack

vt. 离开; 停止,放弃

leave sth readily; abandon

vt. 提高,增加

increase salary, payment; raise

a small worthless amount;

you don't know jack

a man who serves as a sailorsomeone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual laborimmense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasteda small ball at which players aim in lawn bowlingan electrical device consisting of a connector socket designed for the insertion of a pluggame equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jackssmall flag indicating a ship's nationalityone of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young princetool for exerting pressure or liftingany of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seasmale donkey
lift with a special device;

jack up the car so you can change the tire

hunt with a jacklight直接源自中古英语的Jakke,意为千斤顶
用作名词 n.
名词+~oil jack油压千斤顶介词+~with a jack用千斤顶用作动词 v.~+副词jack in放弃,辞掉,离开jack up顶起,增加
用作名词n.a jack of all trades

博而不精的人person who can do many different kinds of work but not necessarily well

jack in v.+adv.

打算离开,放弃leave sth readily; abandon

jack sth ⇔ inShe is going to jack this job in.她将辞掉这份工作。
jack up v.+adv.

〈口〉把凌乱的东西安排〔料理〕好arrange or organize sth that is in disorder

jack sth ⇔ upYou need to jack up the car before you try to remove the wheel.你得先把汽车顶起来,然后设法拆轮子。jack sth ⇔ upIt's time you jacked up my salary.你该给我增加工资了。jack upDon't worry, he'll jack the whole thing up for us.别担心,他会替我们把一切料理好的。近义词 flag旗make做up向上push推lift举起card纸牌tar 焦油raise上升hoist升起boost提高knave无赖gob一小团squat蹲下uprear扶起uplift鼓舞rear后面的upcast上抛banner横幅extend延伸seaman海员erect使竖立upheave举起augment增加mariner海员diddly 丝毫jackass公驴escalate升级increase增加standard标准push up抬高.higher更高的seafarer船员labourer工人heave用力举起booster支持者inflate使膨胀erector安装工laborer劳动者lifter升降装置accelerate加速pennant长三角旗jacklight照明灯jackfruit菠萝蜜upthrust向上一推banneret方旗武士playing card纸牌upthrow向上的投掷jack up顶起顶高sea dog老练的水手diddly-squat一点点jackstones抛石游戏jackscrew螺旋起重机jak菠萝蜜=jackfru…diddly-shit不足取的old salt经验丰富之老水手…face card人头牌(纸牌中的K…diddley一点或不值钱的数量…picture card有图画的明信片…shit表示愤怒、厌恶等的感叹词…diddlyshit一点或不值钱的数量…court card人头牌(纸牌中之King…diddlysquat一点或不值钱的数量…doodly-squat一点或不值钱的数量…反义词 jenny母驴
用作名词(n.He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tire.他用千斤顶把汽车顶起来,换下瘪轮胎。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He jacked the car and changed the back tire.他用〈千斤顶顶起〉汽车,然后更换后胎。
用作名词They put the car up with a hoisting jack.他们用千斤顶把车抬高。
Insert this one into the jack carefully.把这个接到插座上,要当心。
Besides the traditional mophead, there are also roller one and connector jack one.除了传统的拖把头,还有滚筒式和插座式拖把头。用作及物动词Maybe they are going to jack up the price of oil.他们可能会抬高石油价格。用作名词用作名词用作名词 Model Pipe Jacker is widely used in mining tunnel and paving pipe, in order to work efficiently, the remote monitor system was designed.
顶管掘进机广泛应用于隧道挖掘和管道铺设。为使其高效工作,设计了远程计算机控制系统。 cnki

Combining to communication technology, Model Pipe Jacker can operate orderly under the control of the system.
系统上下位机结合通信技术,可实现控制顶管掘进机的有效运转。 cnki




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