

单词 J
释义 j 1/J 英dʒeɪ美dʒe;英dʒeɪ美dʒeɪ 高COCA¹⁶²⁴BNC³⁴⁸²
a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one secondthe 10th letter of the Roman alphabetj/f=jigs and …j字母jJ.医 焦耳氏当量…J/deg.=joule per…J. Ed.=Journal o…j/a=joint acc…J/kg=joules pe…J-barJ形缆车
近义词 watt second瓦特秒joule物理焦耳功或能的单…

as in.(hightail
同义词 abscond,amble,barrel,bolt,bound,bustle,canter,career,course,dart,dash,decamp,depart,escape,flee,flit,fly,gallop,hasten,hie,hotfoot,hurry,hustlebeat it,clear out,cut and run,dog it,get out,go like lightning,hightail it
反义词 continue,dally,dawdle,delay,face,linger,procrastinate,remain,rest,slow,stay,wait
hightailverb run
abscond,amble,barrel,beat it,bolt,bound,bustle,canter,career,clear out,course,cut and run,dart,dash,decamp,depart,dog it,escape,flee,flit,fly,gallop,get out,go like lightning,hasten,hie,hightail it,hotfoot,hurry,hustle In one instance10 years ago, contaminated Chinese honey was shipped to Canada and then on to a warehouse in Houston where it was sold to jelly maker J.
10年前的一个例子,受污染的中国蜂蜜被运往加拿大和休斯顿的一个仓库里,后来这些蜂蜜卖给了果冻制造商 J. yeeyan

The film Back To The Future II also depicts advanced telepresence technology, as Michael J. Fox is startled by the3D image of a shark pouncing on him from an advertising poster.
电影《回到未来》(第二部也描绘了先进的远程临场技术,主演迈克尔· J·福克斯被广告海报中扑向他的3D鲨鱼影像吓到了。 yeeyan

Most striking is the emergence of a vigorous bunch called J Street, which declares itself“ pro- Israel, pro- peace” but is far keener to see the Palestinian point of view.
最引人注目的是一个被称为“ J街道”的群体的出现,他们宣称自己“亲以色列,也亲和平”,但更希望听到巴勒斯坦人的观点。 ecocn

The failure a few months later of Washington Mutual, an even larger bank, was also managed by the FDIC but substantial parts of its business were passed virtually intact to J.
就在那几个月后,规模更大的华盛顿互助银行倒闭,虽然仍由 FDIC接管,但是其核心业务基本完整的转移给了数月来一直想买下它的 J. ecocn




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