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词汇 izumo
释义 izumo
n.出云在日本;东经 132º46' 北纬 35º22'
Izumo bannister table, the head may be around.栏干出云表,目可了四围。
Okuni grew up in the vicinity of the Izumo shrine, where her father worked as a blacksmith, and where several other family members served.阿国在出云神社附近长大,她父亲是神社的铁匠,其他的几个家庭成员也为神社工作。
Spring clean campus, Ming Huang side of the Land of Hidden folding, aggregation and the simple moving Yong, ChungizumoProgesterone reminder Xiafei of peaches and plums.清新的校园春色,明黄暗绿中折叠掩映着一方净土,凝集着朴素而永动的感怀,催孕出云涌霞飞的桃李。
We advise you of the following shipment for your account, per m.s. “Izumo Maru” for your port, 100 bdls. cane, against the contract No. 234, dated March 14th, 19--.根据19--年3月14日签署的第234号合同,我们已将100捆藤料装“出云号”货轮,运往你地,请贵公司付费,特此通知




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