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IVT 基本例句 n.管间变压器 We reported 1 case of anIVTwhich originated from the aortic cusp.这里发表一个案例,由主动脉瓣来的未明原因心室频脉。 RESULTS: The cases of AVRT is 93,AVNRT is 51,IVTis 7.结果:房室折返型心动过速93例,房室结折返型心动过速51例,特发性室性心动过速7例。 The aim of this study was to compare IAT andIVTin stroke patients with HMCAS.本研究的目的在于对出现大脑中动脉高密度征的缺血性卒中患者分别行动脉溶栓与静脉溶栓,并将两者进行比较。 IVTcan automatically create groups of related sessions and initialize them.IVT能够自动地创建相关会议组并且对它们进行初始化。 The success rate was 94% forIVTby DCCA in the early stage,while 100% by RFCA in the late stage.前期DCCA治疗IVT成功率为 94% ; |