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词汇 iverson
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The problem is, Iverson can't be grown up enough for an entire roster that ducks the press at every opportunity and when cornered, blames everyone else in the universe.

Though Iverson has been under passing consideration for a few teams— Miami, Charlotte, the Clippers— Memphis is the only team that has seriously considered signing him.
在艾佛森老考虑投奔的名单中包括了热火、黄蜂和快船,但孟菲斯确是唯一认真考虑与之签约的球会。 iciba

When Iverson parted ways with Hang Time's Grizzlies after nine games earlier this season, we suggested that he hang up his Reeboks for good, strictly for basketball reasons.
本赛季,在打了9场比赛就与灰熊队分道扬镳之时,我们就觉得,艾弗森应该把自己的篮球战靴永远挂起来了。 hxen

About half of Navajos today speak their native language, according to the Science article, but Iverson fears that estimate is high.
据《科学》杂志的文章称,今天有一半的纳瓦霍人说本族语言,但是艾弗森教授认为这个数字被高估了。 yeeyan

Allen Iverson is said to be one of the greatest and most“ fun to watch” athletes to play the sport.
艾佛森据说被称为运动场上最伟大且最“看着有意思”的运动员之一。 yeeyan

As soon as the Sixers announced they were breaking ties with Iverson, his wife filed for divorce.
在76人宣布与艾弗森解除合约的同时,他的妻子在法庭上提出了离婚申请。 yeeyan

Besiktas signed Allen Iverson last season, but the former NBA MVP only played10 games because of injury.
贝西克塔斯上赛季签约了艾伦艾佛森,但这位前 NBA MVP因为伤病的原因只为球队出战10场。 yeeyan

But even in the 1880s the Navajos had to deal with federal normalization efforts. Christian missionaries also were active, Iverson wrote in an email.
但即便是在相对隔绝的十九世纪八十年代,纳瓦霍人也要提防联邦政府的同化,并同活跃的基督教传教士作斗争,艾弗森在电子邮件中写道。 yeeyan

From the first minute, we must jump on them, and not let Iverson do whatever he wants.
我们必须第一分钟起就扑向对方,还不能让艾弗森为所欲为。 chinaspurs

Gary Moore, Iverson's personal manager, says Iverson has not been contacted by any NBA team with training camps set to open in less than two weeks.
Gary Moore艾弗森的私人经理表示,在新赛季训练营还有不到两星期就就开始的情况下,仍没有 NBA球队联系艾弗森。 yeeyan

I also love the mere idea of a reunion of Larry Brown and Allen Iverson in Charlotte.
师徒之情。我其实很想看到拉里布朗与艾弗森在山猫重归旧好。 yeeyan

In 1997 when Iverson joined the league, he wanted to make a statement and prove he belonged in the NBA.
1997年当艾弗森加入 NBA,他应该发表一个声明,然后证明他属于这个联盟。 yeeyan

It is pointed out that Iverson hasn't won a thing and Jordan has six rings.
值得指出的是,艾弗森一无所有,而乔丹有6枚总冠军戒指。 yeeyan

It's a move that frees up salary cap space just before Memphis introduces veteran guard Allen Iverson at a news conference later Thursday.
这一决定旨在为周四晚新闻发布会上招募的老将艾弗森留出工资帽。 iciba

Jeff Iverson, director of alternative education for Andes Central School District, said he wanted to hear her because“ autism is more prevalent and is being diagnosed more” in children.
安第斯山脉中部学区的非常规教育主任杰夫艾弗森说他想去听听她的演讲,因为儿童中间“患孤独症的更加普遍,被诊断出来的也越来越多”。 yeeyan

Moore says a Chinese team first approached the35-year-old Iverson last month.
Moore说这支中国球队是上个月联系已经35岁的艾弗森的。 yeeyan

Over time, the game has changed and it's hard for players like Allen Iverson to become successful in the league.

The founder, Ken Iverson, inspired great loyalty the old- fashioned way: he earned it.
公司创始人肯.艾弗森通过传统的方式赢得了大量员工的忠诚:这是他应得的。 yeeyan

While their reservation is accessible by modern roads and railroad, it was a more isolated place before about1920, according to Iverson.
随着1920年左右公路以及铁路的开通,纳瓦霍保留地已经不再是个与世隔绝的地方了。 yeeyan

Iverson is17th on the NBA's career scoring list with 24,368 points over a14- year career with Philadelphia, Denver, Detroit and Memphis.
艾弗森在 NBA的14年的职业生涯中,加盟过费城76人,丹佛掘金,底特律活塞和孟菲斯灰熊,得分达14368分,位列全联盟第17位。 yeeyan

Iverson’s popularity could probably translate into an international gig as well, should he so desire.
如果艾弗森愿意的话,他的名气可以传播到国际的赛场上。 yeeyan

Iverson is listed as one of the company's“ athlete partners, ” all described as investors in the company.
艾弗森被列为该公司的“运动员伙伴”形容为所有投资者的公司。 bbboo

Iverson said it wasn’t the workers’ fault that market conditions were poor, but he should have figured out a way to deal with them.
艾弗森说市场不景气不是工人的错,但是他应该事先想出对付的办法。 yeeyan

Iverson's agent, Leon Rose, did not immediately return messages for comment on Monday.
艾弗森的经纪人 Leon Rose昨天没有立即对此作出评论。 yeeyan




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