

单词 its absence
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In its absence diners focus on the visual cue of whether they are making any dent on the food on their plate to assess goal progress.

In its absence the air in the house seemed to hang with that same question; how would her life have been if she had managed to send just one of them?
这个声音在不停地问自己:如果能够想办法寄出这些信,哪怕只是其中的一封,她的生活又会是什么样呢? yeeyan

In its absence, it would be reasonable to expect a corresponding decrease in regional precipitation, which would be calamitous, but the actual effect could be much worse.
而雨林降水的减少就会导致局部土壤水分蒸发相应的减少,这是灾难性的,而真实的结果会更加糟糕。 ecocn

Mr Wilson seems to be overlooking the fact that America's growing self-help industrial complex does not indicate“ flaccid contentment” but its absence.
威尔逊先生看来忽视了一个事实,即美国日渐发展的自助行业混合体并不象征“虚弱的满足感”,反而是相反的信号。 ecocn

Nobody can match Somalia for anarchy, but elsewhere in the world, government, rather than its absence, is chiefly to blame for state failure.
论起无政府状态,没有一个国家可以和索马里相媲美;但是在世界其他地方,政府而不是无政府状态是国家失败的主要原因。 yeeyan

While Indian writers have done well in the prize recently, winning in2006 and2008, this year's list is notable for its absence of Asian writers.
虽然印度作家近年来在布克奖中表现突出,分别摘得了2006年和2008年的两项大奖,然而今年的入选名单中却显然不含任何亚裔作家。 yeeyan




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