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ITIC 基本例句 n.国际海啸情报中心¹⁰⁰ Would you accept an International Student Identity Card if you are not offered anITICVISA Card?若閣下未能獲發國際教師VISA卡,是否願意接納國際學生證? HKST has been the exclusive issuing office for the ISIC,ITICand IYTC in Hong Kong &Macau since 1982.学联旅游是世界学生旅游联盟成员,同时亦为港澳地区唯一签发国际学生证、国际青年证及国际教师证的机构。 The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation endorse theITICand recognize it as the unique document for teacher travel and cultural exchange.持证人享有全世界多种旅游、购物、娱乐等优惠,并即时确认阁下教师之身份。 |