

单词 itched
释义 itch·ed 英ɪtʃ美ɪtʃ COCA⁴⁶⁶⁴⁴BNC⁵¹⁷⁰¹

the feeling on your skin that makes you want to rub or scratch it

vt. & vi. 使发痒

have or cause an itch

a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation;

he has a bad case of the itch

a strong restless desire;

why this urge to travel?

an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch
scrape or rub as if to relieve itching;

Don't scratch your insect bites!

have or perceive an itch;

I'm itching--the air is so dry!

cause to perceive an itch;

his skin itched

have a strong desire or urge to do something;

She is itching to start the project

He is spoiling for a fight

jock itch股癣,股圆癣,洗衣癣…purulent itch脓疱性疥疮summer itch医 夏令痒疹…prairie itch草原痒病nickel itch镍痒症mad itch伪狂犬病itch mite疥螨winter itch冬令搔痒dhobi itch腹股沟癣ground itch钩虫痒病alkali itch医 碱性皮炎…grain itch谷痒病water itch医 血吸虫皮炎…dhobie itch洗衣癣, 洗衣员癣…itch pus医 疥疮脓seven-year itch疥疮itch after老想要one's fingers itch手痒have one's fingers itch极想have an itch for something渴望做某事
近义词 rub擦prick刺long长的wish希望urge驱策scratch抓yearn渴望spoil宠坏desire渴望hanker向往craving渴望longing渴望feeling感觉scabies疥疮irritate激怒tickle使发痒yearning渴望sensation感觉eagerness渴望hankering渴望itching渴望的irritation刺激stimulant兴奋剂tingling发出叮当声itchinessitchy的名词形式…prickle动物或植物上的刺…
用作名词n.I've got an itch on the back of my neck.我脖子后有一处发痒。用作动词v.
S+~+AMy nose is itching.我的鼻子正发痒。S+~+to- vThey are itching to have a real taste of Chinese food.他们非常想尝尝真正的中国菜的味道。
S+ ~+n./pron.The nylon shirt itches him.尼龙衬衫弄得他身上发痒。


用作名词I've got anitchon my back.我的背上很痒。
He has anitchfor money.他渴望发财。用作动词Are your mosquito bites stillitching?你被蚊子咬的地方还在痒吗?
The boys wereitchingfor the lesson to end.那些男孩子们渴望下课。
He wasitchingfor a chance to show how good he was.他渴望有机会展示自己的优秀之处。 All during the meal, Monkey itched and so he scratched.
正吃饭的时候,小猴子突然浑身发痒,所以他不停地抓挠。 booksfly

And so this is what I did for hours, until I itched with boredom.
这是我在数小时内要做的事,直至无聊得发痒。 yeeyan

I did not feel itched anymore. The holidays in Qinhuangdao turned to lying on sofa and watch TV.
秦皇岛的假日也成了陷在沙发里看电视了。 blog.sina.com.cn

The stumps of his fingers itched and twitched, but he kept his dagger in its sheath.
他残余的手指们又痒又颤,但是他还是把匕首留在了鞘中。 cndkc

The insect bite itched all night.
虫子咬的地方痒了我一整夜。 beikeba

He could hardly sit still and itched to have a go.
他再也坐不住了, 心里跃跃欲试。《新英汉大辞典》

His words itched her.

I scratched him where he itched.

I itched to lockout the entire world outside my door, merely leaving me to embrace my deep sorrow to sleep together.
我恨不得把全世界都关在门外,只留我与我的悲痛相抱而眠。 yeeyan

If my right ear itched, then something good was being said about me by somebody.
如果右耳朵痒痒,那就是有人在说我的好话。 jukuu

Seeing the children playing ping-pong, he itched to have a go.

She itched to plungesintosthe battle.
她恨不得马上投入战斗。 edu.sina.com.cn

Stirred by the invigorating spring, men, like infants cutting their teeth, somehow, itched painfully from the budding of new life.
这春气鼓动得人心像婴孩出齿时的牙龈肉,受到一种生机透芽的痛痒。 ebigear

The sales manager recently in power itched to have a go at the East Asian market.
新上任的销售经理跃跃欲试,要进军东亚市场。 hxen

They itched so much he scratched open his skin, and from every dot, out crawled an ant!
身上越来越痒,皮都挠破了,每一处破的地方都爬出一只蚂蚁! www.for68.com

When my nephew was embracing me and fell asleep after giving me a kiss and taking my hand to scratch where itched, I felt the softness and sweetness of life;
当侄子抱着我亲我一下拿了我的手给他搔痒捏着我的耳朵睡觉时,我就觉得生活是多么温馨; blog.sina.com.cn




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