

单词 Istvan
释义 Istvan
The statue of StIstvan. He is the first king of Hungary .圣伊斯特万雕像。他是匈牙利历史上第一个国王。
Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction)的。还有IstvanCsicsery-Ronay Jr.马克思主义和奇幻小说的评论。
Prevent all damage that would be dealt to UncleIstvanby creatures.防止生物将对尹曼叔叔造成的所有伤害。
The researchers, led byIstvanSzentirmai of Eotvos University in Budapest, studied the behaviour of a small bird called the European penduline tit or Remiz pendulinus.布达佩斯罗兰大学的圣伊尔毛伊stvanSzentirmai为首的学者们研究了一种名为欧洲山雀或攀雀的鸟类行为。
Twenty-four teenagers from around the world receive athletics awards from IAAF general secretaryIstvanCyulai at the World Championships in Athens on Tuesday and get to meet the world's track stars.星期二,在雅典举行的世界田径锦标赛上,来自世界各地的24名青少年接受国际田联秘书长伊斯特凡·古莱颁发的奖章,并有机会和世界径赛明星相聚。
APDU command test from VizvaryIstvan;和第一个工具很相似。




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