

单词 issue price
释义 issue price 英'ɪsjuː praɪs美'ɪʃʊ praɪs ○○○○○高短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
A form of insurance whereby, an underwriter agrees for a fee to take up a specific quantity of a new issue at the issue price if there is insufficient demand.
指发行人向承销商付出一定的费用,换取承销商承诺在市场需求不足时,按发行价买下约定数量的新发行证券。包销安排带有保险的性质。 bbs.nau.edu.cn

The issue price of a CBBC includes funding costs.
您明白牛熊证的发行价已包括融资成本。 winglungbank

Because of the composition and the form of initial profit, the study of it inevitably leads to the analysis evaluation of stock issue price and two kinds of stockholder interest relations.
因此,创业利润问题的研究必然导致对股票发行价及两类股东利益关系的分析评价。 dictall

Industry experts indicate that Wanke’s stock price fell below its issue price mainly due to market change.
行业专家认为万科股价跌破发行价的主要原因是市场的变化。 yeeyan

Since March its shares had been trading below their issue price of$25.
自三月起,它的股票交易价一直低于其25美元的发行价。 ecocn




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