释义 |
isotope scan 基本例句 同位素扫描 Of the 104 cases, 94 hot nodules and 10 warm nodules were found byisotope scan; 25 cases were diagnosed as AFTN with hyperthyroidism; 76 patients were from iodine deficiency areas.104例AFTN中,同位素扫描为“热结节”者94例,“温结节”者10例,继发甲状腺机能亢进25例24%,76例来自地方性甲状腺肿流行区。 Conclusion: It is our opinion that the B-mode ultrasonic, the isotope scanning, the fine needle aspiration biopsy cyt…结论:术前常规B超检查、同位素扫描、细胞学检查和冰冻切片对异位甲状腺的诊断有指导意义; Isotope scan is a major method for the diagnosis of AFTN;同位素扫描是诊断AFTN的主要手段; Isotopic scans demonstrate a nonfunctioning nodule that does not concentrate radioiodine.同位素扫描显示无功能冷节,它不能浓集射碘。 |