

单词 Isoetales
释义 iso·eta·les AHD..əˈtā₍ˌ₎lēz

aquatic or marsh-growing fern allies; known to have existed since the Cenozoic; sometimes included in LycopodialesIsoetalesAn order of the LYCOPHYTA containing two genera-Iso-etes, found in most parts of the world, and Stylites, found only in the Peruvian Andes.水韭目:石松门植物的一个目,包括两个属,水韭属广布于世界各地,剑韭属仅分布于秘鲁安第斯山脉。
type and genus of the Isoetaceae and sole extant genus of the orderIsoetales.水韭科的模式属,水韭目唯一现存的一个属。
club mosses and related forms: includes Lycopodiales;Isoetales; Selaginellales; and extinct Lepidodendrales; sometimes considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta.石松及相关类型;石松目;水韭目;卷柏目;和已灭绝的鳞木目;有时被认为是导管植物门的一个亚部。
1. club mosses and related forms: includes Lycopodiales;Isoetales; Selaginellales; and extinct Lepidodendrales; sometimes considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta.石松及相关类型;石松目;水韭目;卷柏目;和已灭绝的鳞木目;有时被认为是导管植物门的一个亚部。收藏指正
3. club mosses and related forms: includes Lycopodiales;Isoetales; Selaginellales; and extinct Lepidodendrales; sometimes considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta.石松及相关类型;石松目;水韭目;卷柏目;和已灭绝的鳞木目;有时被认为是导管植物门的一个亚部。收藏指正




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