释义 |
Anthony Giddens 基本例句 吉登斯 Anthony Giddens1984.The constitution of society : outline of the theory of structuration. Berkeley : University of California Press.社会学张家铭等译,台北:唐山原文于1997年出版。 Abstract: According to the viewpoint ofAnthony Giddens, Historical Materialism has three main deficiencies: “Reductionism”, “Evolutionism” and “Functionalism”.文章摘要: 在吉登斯看来,历史唯物主义存在“化约论”、“进化论”和“功能论”三大缺陷。 These chapter consists of four section too, and the framework same with the last chapter, in the fourth section, the author select theAnthony Giddens, Parkin and Randall Collins, whose social class theoris arerepresents of the New Weberism.全文也分四个部分,基本框架与上一章一致,在第四部分选取的是新韦伯主义分层理论的代表人物吉登斯、帕金和柯林斯。 On the basis of the Structuration theory ofAnthony Giddensand the patriarchy theory of Sylvia Walby, the author establishes the patriarchy conceptual framework to analyze gender relation in rural families.因此,本文所要探讨的主题实际上“农村女性外出务工是否会削弱农村家庭的父权制”。 本文对于父权制的理解是建立在吉登斯的结构化理论的基础上的:父权制是一种社会系统,它是两性不平等的权力关系在时空中的模式化。 According to the duality of structure theory of theAnthony Giddens, together with the investigation material, we take methods of the sociology to analyze the forming of the rural entrepreneur human capital.本文运用社会学的研究方法,根据吉登斯结构二重化理论,结合农村调查实际情况,探讨农村企业家人力资本形成问题,目的是为农村现代化服务。 Social factors in the Thought of Emile Durkheim andAnthony Giddens迪尔凯姆和吉登斯思想中的社会性因素 |