

单词 anthills
释义 anthills ˈænthilz COCA⁸⁵¹³¹BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
n.蚁丘;人群密集的地方anthill的名词复数原型anthill的三单 Pour equal parts water and white vinegar into a spray bottle. Then spray it on anthills and around areas where you see the insects.
在一个带喷头的瓶子里兑水和白醋各半,然后喷洒在蚁穴和它的周围。 yeeyan

To say it's natural for us to do so is not to say we engage in political life spontaneously and avidly, as you might say spiders spin webs or ants build anthills.
说我们本能地会那么做,并不代表,我们自然且贪婪地,忙于政治生活,就像蜘蛛结网,或蚂蚁筑蚁冢。 v.163.com

Ever study those anthills?
研究过这些蚁丘? yeeyan

His most recent novel was Anthills of the Savannah, which was shortlisted for the1987 Booker prize and dealt with the military regime that ran a west African republic.
他最近的长篇小说《荒原蚁丘》曾在1987年入选布克奖决赛名单,讲述的是一个统治着西非共和国的军事政权。 yeeyan

If you have lots of anthills around your property, try pouring full- strength vinegar over them to hasten the bugs' departure.
如果你家周围有很多蚂蚁窝,给它们泼去一些纯醋会促使它们尽快搬家,离开这里。 yeeyan

Kony would stash them in caves and anthills, retrieving them months or years later.
科尼只需将枪藏在山洞或者蚁穴中,过了几个月或者几年又再次取回来。 yeeyan

The mountains resemble anthills then, with crowds streaming up their steep trails.
人潮源源不绝地爬上陡峭的小径,山脉在这时就像蚁丘。 cnnas




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