

单词 Isaacs
释义 I·saacs 英ˈaɪzəks美ˈaɪzəksAHDīʹzəks 
n.艾萨克斯¹⁰⁰原型isaac的复数 In the1950s and 1960s, metabolites were a hot research topic as scientists tried to figure out the roles of enzymes in cell biology, Isaacs says.
艾萨克提到上世纪五六十年代,代谢组学是研究的热门。当时的科学家试着确定各种酶在细胞生命活动所扮演的角色。 cpcwi

Mr Isaacs at Lehman Brothers in London notes that over the past century of world wars and cold wars the financial system has proved more resilient than might have been expected.
来自伦敦雷曼兄弟的 Isaacs说,经过了上个世纪世界大战和冷战的考验,金融系统比我们想象的更有生命力。 topsage

“ This is a very controversial area, ” said Dr. Claudine Isaacs, a breast specialist at Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
“这是一个非常有争议的领域,”乔治敦大学 Lombardi综合癌症中心乳腺癌专家 Claudine Isaacs博士说。 yeeyan

In Los Angeles actress Brenda Isaacs- Booth read Mary Anne's message and offered her services.
在洛杉矶,女演员布伦达·伊萨克斯一布思看到玛丽·安妮的信息,立刻主动提供服务。 hotdic

It is a recipe sent to me by Fiona Isaacs, who came on one of my cookery courses.
下面是菲奥娜·艾萨克给我的菜谱,她上过我的烹调课。 yeeyan

One of the most interesting approaches to this problem was demonstrated on MSN spaces thanks to Scott Isaacs.
Scott Isaacs在他 MSN的空间里展示了一个非常有趣的方法。 yeeyan

The risks: Both drugs can initially cause nausea, upset stomach and diarrhea—which may be partly responsible for weight loss, says Isaacs.
艾萨克斯说,刚开始吃这两种药时都会有恶心、胃部不适、腹泻的症状出现,可能部分是因为体重降低造成的。 yeeyan

The Test psychologist Nicki Isaacs is“ pleasantly surprised” that96 per cent of Australians feel compassion for strangers going through tough times.
艾萨克斯的测试心理学家尼基是“惊喜”的占百分之96的澳洲人感到艰难的时刻,通过陌生人的同情。 youtas

Isaacs switched to the seminary from the Reform movement’s Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion after joining a Conservative synagogue in Brooklyn.
Isaacs在加入了纽约布鲁克林的一家保守犹太教堂以后,就从改革派的“希伯来联盟学院和犹太教学院”转学到“犹太教神学院”。 yeeyan




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