释义 |
IR thermography 基本例句 红外成像技术 ApplyingIR thermographytechnique to concrete NDT is a new subject.红外热成像技术是混凝土无损检测技术中的一项新课题。 The surface temperatures distribution of the hemispherical and small blunt model in high enthalpy facility are measured by the CCDIR thermographysystem.通过与红外高温计测量结果的比较分析,验证了该系统的可靠性和实用性。 Some important TIR radiation laws have been revealed, such as the characteristics ofIR thermography, the increment of IR temperature or radiant flux, the time-dependence features of IR temperature.进而建立了热辐射参量辐射温度、辐射通量、热像几何特征与撞击参数撞击速度、撞击能、撞击角度等的关系模型; Keywords BUSHENQIANGDUFANG;Blood stasis;IR thermography;Kidney-asthenia;Du-cold and blood-stasis;Ankylosing Spondylitis;补肾强督方;强直性脊柱炎;肾虚督寒血瘀证;远红外线热成像; |