

单词 anthem
释义 an·them 英ˈænθəm美ˈænθəmAHDănʹthəm ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹³⁹⁰¹BNC¹³⁹⁸⁴iWeb⁸⁶⁰²Economist¹⁵³⁰¹

a song of devotion or loyalty as to a nation or schoola song of praise to God or to a saint or to a nation来自拉丁语名词antefana,源自希腊语名词antiphona对唱的歌,和单词antiphon轮流吟唱的歌同源。anthem原本是教堂尤其是英格兰教堂在宗教仪式中所唱的圣歌,由唱诗班而不是会众来合唱。而在现代,anthem一词已经超越宗教领域,用来表示那种用于庆祝或为特定群体而作的歌曲。national anthem国歌
GRE红宝书1)anth花-象花一样的歌-赞美歌2)an一首, them他们: 一首他们一起唱的歌-国歌
an theme 主旋律,主题曲;音:俺圣母,天主教徒圣歌就是唱“俺圣母”
分割记忆:an-them: 一首他们一起唱的歌
ant对着+hem=phon,发声,唱歌→对唱的歌⇒赞美诗,圣歌。联想记忆an一+ them他们⇒一首他们一起唱的歌GRE难词记忆anthem→national anthem国歌近义词 song歌曲psalm圣诗hymn赞美诗chorale赞美诗

用作名词But as she spoke some of her supporters broke into the Peronist partyanthem.但是,正当菲南德斯发表此言论之时,她的一些拥护者竟大声唱起了庇隆党的赞美诗。
Theanthemthat the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence.风琴师弹奏的赞美诗音乐把苏贝胶在铁栏杆上了。noun.song
同义词 chant,chorus,hymn,melodycanticle,paean
paeannoun hymn of praise
songnoun melody sung or played with musical instrument
air,anthem,aria,ballad,canticle,carol,chant,chorale,chorus,ditty,golden oldie,hymn,lay,lullaby,lyrics,melody,number,oldie,opera,piece,poem,psalm,refrain,round,strain,tune,verse
songsnoun melody sung or played with musical instrument
airs,anthems,arias,ballads,canticles,carols,chants,chorales,choruses,ditties,expressions,golden oldies,hymns,lays,lullabies,lyrics,melodies,numbers,oldies,operas,pieces,poems,psalms,refrains,rock and rolls,rocks,rounds,shanties,strains,tunes,verses,vocals At the beginning of the World Series of1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played.
1947年的世界职业棒球大赛开赛那天,当美国国歌奏响的那一刻,我产生了一种全新的情感。 hjenglish

Director Kong already has the Rwandan anthem down. He thinks it’s important to show respect for the local culture, when teaching your own.
孔校长轻快地唱着卢旺达国歌,他认为尊重当地的文化很重要,当地的文化完全可以自学自悟。 yeeyan

If an athlete wins gold, his or her national anthem is played. Silver and bronze medal winners are also honored on the podium.
运动员获得金牌,会奏冠军得主所在国家的国歌,银牌和铜牌得主也会出现在领奖台上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The concert concluded with the National Anthem.

After the independence vote, Kosovan MPs adopted a number of state symbols including a flag and anthem.
独立投票后,科索沃通过了一些国家的象征,包括国旗和国歌。 hjenglish

An island was never bought, but The Pirate Bay does have an official anthem now.
小岛从来没有买到,但是海盗湾现在确实有正式的国歌了。 yeeyan

But getting it right can be tricky. Peru has debated replacing the first verse of its anthem, sung since1821, after criticism it was too gloomy.
可要弄好这件事还需要点方法,比如在秘鲁就有关于其1821年第一版国歌存废的争议,批评者认为这首歌实在是过于低沉沮丧。 yeeyan

Even though there’s no official pirate state, Pirate Bay’s presence on the Internet has led to an embassy of like minded people, and most recently an anthem.
尽管没有官方的海盗国家,但是海盗湾在网上已经由志同道合的网民组成了一个大使馆,而最近它又有了国歌。 yeeyan

He wrote, in1970, some new lyrics to the national anthem.
在1970年,他为苏联国歌填写了新词。 ecocn

In Lhasa, The Chinese national anthem was played and the national flag was raised in the morning.
在拉萨,早晨举行了升国旗奏国歌的纪念活动。 tingvoa

It's a true live anthem, and a fan favourite, although it isn't quite one of the best off the album.
虽然这不能算是专辑中最好的歌,但是它绝对算得上是现场演出的圣歌,也是歌迷们的最爱。 yeeyan

Its overall promise was embodied in its1997 election anthem, “ Things can only get better”.
他的总体承诺体现在1997年的选举国歌。 “情况只会越来越好。” ecocn

One of the first decrees of his presidency in 2000 was to restore the Soviet national anthem.
他2000年当选总统时的第一批政令中有一条就是恢复苏联时期的国歌。 blog.sina.com.cn

Perhaps Barack might even be patriotic enough to hold his hand over his heart when our National Anthem is played!
也许国歌响起的时候,奥巴马能对这个国家热爱到把手放到胸前。 yeeyan

Russia today is ruled by the KGB elite, has a Soviet anthem, servile media, corrupt courts and a rubber-stamping parliament.
今日俄罗斯,前克格勃执掌政权、苏联时期的国歌被沿用、媒体一味媚官、法制腐败不堪、议会沦为傀儡。 ecocn

That summer I performed the anthem solo on a cornet for several teams in the Southeast as my son stood next to me.
那个夏天,我为几家东南部的球队用短号独奏国歌,而我的儿子就站在我的身旁。 yeeyan

The self-styled Prince Roy adopted a flag, chose a national anthem and minted silver and gold coins.
自封为王的罗伊王子专为“海国”确定了国旗、国歌,还发行了金银铸币。 ebigear

Then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to must stand before it and sing the national anthem.
那时,校长,老师,教职员学生教师将恭敬地站在它前面并且唱国歌。 ebigear

To top it all off, he ends the movie with a rousing version of the socialist anthem, “ The Internationale”.
为了摧垮它,迈克尔在影片结尾用振奋人心的社会主义赞美诗“国际歌”来结尾。 ecocn.org

We stand to attention for the Soviet anthem and hoisting of the red flag, and then down we go, into the freezing-cold bunker.
随后,我们一起立正,听着苏联的国歌响起,看着国旗升起。然后我们走进了冰冷彻骨的地堡。 yeeyan




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