

单词 irrationalities
释义 ir·ra·tion·al·i·ty 英ɪˌræʃə'næləti美ɪˌræʃə'næləti COCA¹⁶⁴⁸¹¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
the state of being irrational; lacking powers of understandingirrational无理数
近义词 stupidity愚笨craziness疯狂absurdity荒谬foolishness可笑unreason无理性的illogicality不合理senselessnesssenseless的名词…

用作名词Unfortunately in football there is a lot ofirrationality.很不幸,在球场上,有许多不合理的地方。
The main two reasons are the lag of teaching method and theirrationalityof curriculum content.其最主要的两个原因是教学方法落后和课程内容设置不合理。 Domestically, irrationalities in the industrial structure became critical, and large numbers of workers were laid off from state-owned enterprises.
国内产业结构矛盾十分突出,国有企业职工大量下岗; hotdic

Fixing some of the glaring irrationalities in the tax system would have as big an impact on medium-term growth prospects as anything else Mr Osborne is likely to announce in his budget.
改善税收体制中受到高度关注的不合理部分将对中期增长产生巨大影响,不亚于奥斯本先生在其预算中可能提到的其他任何措施所起的作用。 ecocn

Once we've got our card in hand, our behavior becomes riddled with irrationalities.
一旦手中有卡我们的消费行为就会失去理智。 yeeyan

There are many in consideration and irrationalities in the law. However, we have to abide by. We shouldn't fight obviously against them, due to their irrationality.
法律方面,或许有许多不周全,与不合理的地方,可是我们却必须遵循它,不能因为不合理,而明目张胆地去与之抗衡。 blog.sina.com.cn

Three of our predictable irrationalities give the swine flu story much more impact than it should have — and in this case, it would be better if we were more rational.
三种预料之中的不合理认知让猪流感带来了比实际要大得多的影响,而这时候,我们如果能够更理智地面对,事情可能没那么糟。 yeeyan

Thus, it is reasoned, we now live in a“ global economy”, and this too must be regulated to iron out some of the irrationalities and instabilities inherent in a market economy.
因此,很合理的,我们现在生活在了“全球经济一体化”时代,而这也必须加以管理从而消灭市场经济内在的一些不合理和不稳定的因素。 yeeyan




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