

单词 iron gate
释义 iron gate短语⁴⁴³²⁸
It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter for the way was barred to me.
朦胧中,我站在通往车道的铁门旁,然而前路阻拦,我一时无法进入。 blog.sina.com.cn

The iron gate was closed fast and four policemen stood on guard.
铁门是关得紧紧的了,两对警察是门岗。 dictall

A great iron gate barred the path, and Edmund reined in his horse. An old woman came out of a stone hut to greet him.
一道大铁门拦住了去路,埃德蒙勒住马,一位老妇人从一所石屋里走出来迎接他。 dreamkidland

Acts12:10 And passing the first guard and the second, they came to the iron gate that leads into the city, which opened of itself to them.
徒十二10过了第一道和第二道监牢,就来到通往城内的铁门,那门自动给他们开了。 china

I have pulled open the entrance iron gate.
我拉开了门口的铁闸。 blogbus

I've just climbed over the huge iron gate.
我刚刚翻过巨大的铁门。 hxen

Several beggars stood outside the wrought iron gate of the mosque.
几名乞丐站在这座清真寺做工精细的铁门外。 tingvoa

She noticed that their mother hens clucked to them behind the iron gate.
她看到学生的妈妈正在铁门后热切等待着他们。 www.shm.com.cn

Soft pity enters at an iron gate.
慈悲为怀,便可步入铁门。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Bushes have made a point of keeping things as normal as possible, including the looming iron gate that has been erected across the driveway as a security measure.
布什强调一切尽可能保持普通,这包括作为一种安全防护措施,已在车道末端建造起来,隐约可见的那座铁门。 yeeyan

The hounds and the men hunting him had gathered between the homestead and the iron gate.
警犬和追踪他的人聚集在宅基地和大铁门中间。 yeeyan

Therefore best choice solid gate or iron gate, because the thief very difficultly pries open them.
因此最好选择实心门或铁门,因为窃贼很难将它们撬开。 iask.sina.com.cn

We arrived at Fontana Village, and one of the staff members slid open a heavy iron gate to admit the car.
我们驾车抵达丰塔纳村时,当地的一位工作人员帮我们推开了沉重的铁门,好让我们的车辆能够驶入。 yeeyan

We left the burying ground, slowly closing the iron gate behind us.
我们缓缓关上身后的铁门,离开了墓地。 blog.sina.com.cn




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