

单词 iron chain
释义 iron chain短语⁷³³⁷⁰
There are Moon- reflecting Dragon Pond, Iron Chain Precipice and Moer Scarp, etc. , which are frightening and impressive.
沟内有龙潭映月、铁索崖、摩耳崖等著名景点,令人望而生畏、叹为观止。 www.sirt.edu.cn

An iron chain encircled the plot and fresh flowers sprouted from concrete vases.
一个铁链条绕着这小块地,鲜花从水泥的花座中盛开。 yeeyan

He was wearing all grey clothes, and he had an iron chain on his leg. he looked very tired and very hungry.
它全身穿着灰色衣服,腿上还带着铁链。他看起来是如此的劳累和饥饿。 enfamily

Inattentive when a monkey from the“ iron chain bridge” fall, plant a went to the hole.
一不留神,猴子从“铁索桥”掉下来,栽了个跟斗,跑到洞里去了。 tradeask

The dog is fastened to the post by an iron chain.

The rusty iron chain that double- locked the cart to the front wheels of the cycle began to squeal as he rode.
三轮车前面轮胎上双重锁上的铁链生了锈,在骑动的时候发出刺耳的声音。 ecocn




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