

单词 irishmen
释义 irishmen 'aiəriʃmən COCA⁵³⁰⁹⁹BNC³¹⁸⁰⁸
n.爱尔兰人Irishman的名词复数原型irishman的复数“ I approached UNESCO with a heavy heart, ” he says, insisting that criticising fellow Irishmen was not a step taken lightly.
吉本斯认为批评爱尔兰同胞要先过心里关,这一步并不好跨越。他说:“我向教科文组织提出我的建议时,心里很不舒服。” ecocn

If there were only three Irishmen left in the world you'd find two of them in a corner talking about the other.
如果世界上只剩下三个爱尔兰人,你会发现其中两个正在角落里谈论另外一个。 www.5ikids.com.cn

More than150,000 Irishmen, most of whom were recent immigrants and many of whom were not yet U.S. citizens, joined the Union Army during the Civil War.
超过15万爱尔兰人在南北战争时期加入联邦军,大部分是新移民,还有不少尚未成为美国公民。 yeeyan

One who visited me declared that the shadows of some Irishmen before him had no halo about them, that it was only natives that were so distinguished.
有一个访客告诉我,他前面的那些爱尔兰人的影子周围并没有这种光轮,只有土生的人才有这特殊的标识。 www.for68.com

The senator from Arizona told the same old chestnut about two drunken Irishmen to several crowds in New Hampshire this week, most of whom had doubtless heard it before.
这位来自亚利桑那州的参议员本周在新罕布什尔一次次向公众讲述关于两个爱尔兰酒鬼的老掉牙故事,虽然大多数人无疑早已耳闻能详。 ecocn

They are unlikely, alas, to join the21 Irishmen still at newly cool Arlington House, reminders of a bygone age.
他们不可能像回忆中过去年代里的一样, 和21个爱尔兰人一样加入又新又酷的阿林顿之家。 ecocn

This outburst of racist violence marked the end of organized Irish participation in the Civil War, though individual Irishmen continued to serve as soldiers in the Union Army.
这场种族主义暴行的爆发标志着爱尔兰人有组织地参加南北战争的终结,但是个别爱尔兰人仍旧继续加入联邦军。 yeeyan

Thousands of Irishmen volunteered to fight bravely and loyally for Briton throughout the conflict.
成千上万的爱尔兰人勇敢的、效忠英国的自愿参加整个冲突。 iciba

Whereas the city turned other immigrant Irishmen into laborers or police officers, Jack wound up as a member of Andrew Roberton’s Colored Operatic Kentucky Minstrels.
在纽约其他爱尔兰移民当了劳工或警察,而杰克却加入了安德鲁•罗伯顿黑人歌剧音乐肯塔基吟唱团。 ecocn

Whereas the city turned other immigrant Irishmen into laborers or police officers, Jack wound up as a member of Andrew Roberton's Colored Operatic Kentucky Minstrels.
爱尔兰移民在纽约大都做劳工或警察,而他却最终加入了安德鲁·罗伯顿的黑人歌剧肯塔基滑稽说唱团。 blog.sina.com.cn




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