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iridoplasty 基本例句 虹膜成形术 Laser peripheraliridoplastyand iridotomy for the treatment of angle_closure glaucoma.激光周边虹膜成形并切除术治疗闭角型青光眼 Conclusions Sursery of peripheral iridectomy andiridoplastyuse Ar and YAG laser have good results for acute a…结论氩激光联合YAG激光行虹膜周边切除+虹膜周边成形术是治疗闭角型青光眼预防急性发作的有效而且安全的手术。 Objective To explore the effect ofiridoplastyon intraocalar lens implant surgery in traumatic cataract.目的观察虹膜损伤修复在合并瞳孔异常的外伤性白内障摘出及人工晶状体植入术中的临床效果。 Objective To observe the effect ofiridoplastyon intraocular lens implantation for traumatic cataract.目的观察虹膜损伤修复在外伤性白内障摘除+人工晶体植入术中的临床效果。 Modified argon laser peripheraliridoplastyis an effective method lor treatment ol middle and later stages ol closure angle glaucoma.改良氩激光周边虹膜成形术是治疗中、晚期闭角型青光眼的有效方法之一 |