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词汇 Irena
释义 ire·na AHDīˈrēnə 

type genus of the Irenidae: fairy bluebirdsIrenaSchulz said she almost fainted at the sight.艾瑞纳:舒兹说她当场都快要昏倒了。
Certainly prejudice was prevalent in pre-war Poland;but many Poles defied it.One of the bravest wasIrenaSendler.在第二次世界大战期间,波兰遭受的磨难比任何其他欧洲国家都多。
Many were Jewish.Leaders of the Jewish community offered money to her hard-up mother for youngIrena's education.因多为犹太病号,又恰逢其母手头拮据,于是犹太社区的大佬们出面为小伊雷娜提供了助学款。
One of the bravest wasIrenaSendler.As a doctor's daughter, she had been brought up in a house that was open to anyone in pain or need, Jew or gentile.有必要额外澄清的是,当时苏联所强加的共产主义统治者煞费周章地歪曲这段苦难史,因而外界对它的误读亦曾普遍流行。
The International Renewable Energy Agency , was established on 1-26-09, when 75 nations signed an agreement at the founding conference in Bonn, Germany.国际可再生能源机构伊雷娜,成立于1-26-09,在在德国波恩举行的成立大会上75个国家签署了一项协议。 It was his wife, Irena Urdang de Tour, whom he married in1952, who suggested that someone with such an encyclopedic turn of mind would be suited for writing dictionaries.
他的妻子——伊雷娜•厄当•特•托尔,在1952年和他结婚,也指出像他那样知识广博的人可能会适合编纂辞典。 yeeyan

The International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA, was established on1-26-09, when75 nations signed an agreement at the founding conference in Bonn, Germany.
国际可再生能源组织在09年1月26号在德国波恩成立。75个成员国共同在成立大会上签署了一项协议。 en400

That prompted a spirited rebuttal from historians and other conference participants, and not least from Irena Veisaite, a Holocaust survivor and leading member of Lithuania’s small Jewish community.
这引发了历史学家和其他与会者的激烈反驳,尤其是从 Irena Veisaite那里,一位大屠杀幸存者和立陶宛小犹太社区的主要成员。 ecocn

The idea for IRENA originated in Germany, which began sharing ideas with Spain and Denmark.
可再生能源机构的想法始于德国,它也开始和西班牙,丹麦分享这些想法。 en400

IRENA will give practical advice and support to both industrialized and developing nations.
将帮助工业化和发展中国家,给予他们实用的意见和支持。 en400

IRENA will provide access to all the latest information needed for a nation to make its best energy policy decisions.
IRENA将促进每个国家制定最适宜的能源政策的更新信息。 en400

IRENA will promote all forms of sustainable, renewable energy, including solar, wind, and geothermal power.
IRENA将推进所有形式的可持续性和可再生能源,包括太阳能,风能,还有地热。 en400




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