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词汇 ipd
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=Insertion Phase Delay 插入相位延迟
And rental values have already dropped by 6% in the year to April, according to IPD.
据 IPD公司的计算,到今年4月,租金价格已经下降了6%。 ecocn

Getting an owner who is active is a major thing, for IPD but also for delivering a better project overall.
一个活跃的业主是一件非常重要的事情,不仅对 IPD,而且对输送一个较好的总体方案。

Sources of China IPD orientated from two defined benefit pension schemes, one is social pooling account based on PAYG, the other is individual account based on FUND.
中国 IPD来源于两个规定受益的养老金计划:现收现付制 PAYG的社会统筹帐户和基金制 FUND的个人帐户。 cnki

The IPD describes integrated aspects, how they should be related, and how they should be implemented for minimizing product development expenses.
IPD描述了综合的各种现点,它们之间应是怎样的关系和应如何付之实施以最大程度地减少开发费用。 cnki

The IPD is a framework which has to be defined in the context of circumstances and strategic orientations of a particular company.
IPD是一个框架,它必须根据具体企业的环境和战略定位来确定。 cnki

To determine the content of sodium, kalium, magnesium and calcium in liquor of cardioplegia by HPLC- IPD method.
本文用高效液相色谱间接光度检测法测定了心脏停搏液中钠、钾、钙、镁的含量。 cnki

According to IPD, which provides information on property markets, British commercial property delivered a total return of15.2% in 2010, its strongest performance for four years.
根据 IPD提供的房地产市场信息,英国商业地产市场2010年的总回报率为15.2%,是四年来表现最为强劲的一年。 ecocn

At last the deployment of IPD is addressed and some key issues are pointed out.
最后指出了集成产品开发的实施过程及其要点。 cnki

At last, this thesis applies principal component analysis method of statistics and the SPSS software to analyze the factors which influence the IPD and the pension fund gap.
最后,本文应用数理统计学中的主成分分析法,运用 SPSS软件,对影响中国养老保险基金缺口的各种因素进行统计分析。 cnki

In western Europe, only Ireland has experienced a bigger fall, according to IPD, a data provider.
根据数据提供商 IPD的信息,在西欧,只有爱尔兰曾经遭受过比这更大幅度的下跌。 ecocn

Methods: The questionnaire was conducted to100 patients with total hysterectomy in IPD.
方法:对我院住院100例全子宫切除患者进行问卷调查。 chemyq

Methods MRS was carried out in15 patients with IPD and5 healthy age matched controls.
方法对15例帕金森病患者和5例年龄匹配健康人的双侧基底节区磁共振波谱分析。 chemyq

Objective To assess the efficacy of phase-weighted imaging in differentiating multiple system atrophyMSA from idiopathic Parkinson disease IPD.
目的评价相位加权成像在多系统萎缩与帕金森病的鉴别诊断中的作用。 dictall

ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of visual evoked potentials VEPof patients with impulsive personality disorder IPD and anxiety neurosis AN.
目的探讨冲动性人格障碍 IPD和焦虑症 AN在视觉诱发电位 VEP中的特点。 cnki

Of the15 national markets monitored by IPD, a data provider,12 achieved double-digit returns last year.
数据提供商 IPD观测的15个市场中,有12个在去年达到了两位数的收入。 ecocn

Only in2008 did the IPD index of global commercial property show a negative return.
全球商业地产指数仅在2008年出现过负增长。 ecocn

Radome IPD detection& spray correction system is used to measure the electric thickness of radome automatically and compensate it through spraying.
雷达罩 IPD自动检测及喷涂校正系统是用来对雷达罩电厚度进行自动测量和喷涂补偿的设备。 cnki

The fact that British property returns were the second- worst of all countries in the IPD database in2008 was not just down to a lousy economy.
英国房产回报率位列2008年 IPD数据库所有国家倒数第二位的事实并不仅是因为糟糕的经济环境。 ecocn

They've validated the concept of IPD, but we need to keep making the documents better.
他们接受了 IPD的概念,但是我们需要将这些文件做得更好。

This article describes the Integrated Product Development IPD which is an integrated, political and human-oriented approach for the optimization of the product development process.
本文描述了集成产品开发 IPD,它是一种优化产品开发过程的集成的、整体的并以人为中心的方法。 cnki

To execute IPD, certain artifacts must be generated.
要执行 IPD,必须生成特定的工件。 ibm

We need to get the contracts optimized for use in BIM and IPD, and that will take care of the legal structure.
我们需要将合约最优化,用于 BIM和 IPD,我们也会照顾到法律结构。

You want to align people down to the individual holding the hammer. IPD doesn't go down to that level, but it's light years ahead of the traditional delivery process.
你想将人们安排得人人都握有铁锤, IPD还没到这个程度,但是也比传统的传输方法要先进几个光年了。 chinabim

IPD, an information group, calculates an index of global commercial- property returns.
房地产信息机构 IPD预测全球商业地产收益指数。 ecocn

IPD, a data provider, says they slumped some 6% in November, the most recent month for which it has statistics.
一个数据提供商 IPD表示,最近几个月的数据显示价格跌了大约6%。 ecocn

IPD is the major problem faced by China pension system reform.
隐性养老金债务 IPD是中国养老金体系面临的主要问题。 cnki




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