

单词 involves
释义 in·volve·s 英ɪn'vɒlv美ɪn'vɑːlv COCA³⁶⁶³BNC²⁰⁷³Economist²⁶³⁷
vt. 使参与,牵涉

cause to be caught or mixed up in trouble, etc.; relate closely

vt. 使埋头,使专注

cause to immerse oneself in

connect closely and often incriminatingly;

This new ruling affects your business

engage as a participant;

Don't involve me in your family affairs!

have as a necessary feature;

This decision involves many changes

require as useful, just, or proper;

It takes nerve to do what she did

success usually requires hard work

This job asks a lot of patience and skill

This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice

This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert

This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent

contain as a part;

Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses

occupy or engage the interest of;

His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon

make complex or intricate or complicated;

The situation was rather involved

involve, include





involve, imply, mean


mean使用范围广,可指专门的、具体的事情,也可指暗示的意义或态度; imply含有不直接用文字或语言作充分表示而是靠听话人理解、领会出暗含的意思; involve表示必然产生某种结果。

involve, implicate


involve是使某人或某事物处于麻烦、混乱、复杂而且难以解决的境况; implicate表示某人与某事有纠葛或发生密切的关系,这种事往往指不名誉或不好的事。










1382年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的involvere:in 里) +volvere (滚,卷),意为滚进,引申为纠缠,信封。
用作动词 (v.
~+名词involve one's future关系到某人的未来involve one's living abroad涉及国外生活involve the mountaintop笼罩着山顶involve much expense涉及大笔开支~+副词involve closely紧紧地卷缠involve deeply深深陷入involve emotionally在感情上介入involve heavily专心involve hopelessly陷入无望地境地involve inevitably不可避免地拖累involve perpetually永远地陷入involve shockingly令人震惊地涉及involve successively连续涉及involve usually通常包括~+介词involve in使参与,使卷入,使陷入involve in the conflict卷入这场纠纷involve in trouble使某人陷入麻烦involve into使…陷入involve with牵连,涉及,与…有关
involve in v.+prep.

使参与,陷入或牵扯到 cause sb/sth to be part of, include in, mixed with, or deeply concerned in sth or doing sth

involve sb/sth in sth/v-ingDon't involve me in your quarrel.不要把我卷进你们的争吵中。
John would, sooner or later, involve himself in serious trouble.约翰迟早会把他自己卷入危险的困境中去。
They continue to involve themselves deeply in community affairs.他们继续十分投入地参与社区事务。
It is involving me in a lot of extra work.这使我做了一些额外的工作。
The war involved an enormous increase in their national debt.这次战争使他们大量增加了国债。
More women should be involved in decision-making.应有更多的妇女参与决策。
He was involved in the crime.他卷入了那次犯罪。
Poverty involved his family in misfortune.贫困使他的家庭陷入不幸。
These two countries have been deeply involved in difficulty.这两个国家困难重重。
This country was successively involved in war.这个国家接二连三地卷入战争。
Artillery and aircraft were involved in the action.在这次战斗中,使用了大炮和飞机。
The outcome of the war is involved in doubt.这场战争的结果如何尚属疑问。
She was involved in working out a puzzle.她在聚精会神地解一道难题。
He was involved in working out a plan.他专心制订一项计划。
involve with v.+prep.

与某人有密切关系 have a close relationship with sb

involve sb with sbDon't involve yourself with those people.不要和那些人混在一起。
How long has Grace been involved with that red-haired boy?格雷斯与那个红头发的小伙子来往多久了?
I don't want my son to be involved with criminals.我不想让我的儿子同犯罪分子来往。近义词 take拿ask询问need需要hold拿着imply暗示cover封面affect影响occupy占用engage雇佣absorb吸收mix up搅匀tangle缠结mean意思是demand要求regard尊敬include包括concern关心contain容纳take in接受envelop包封embrace拥抱require要求entail使必需comprise构成interest兴趣call for需要implicate牵涉encompass围绕confuse使困惑preoccupy先占postulate假定confound使困惑embarrass使窘迫engross使全神贯注complicate使复杂化entangle 使 … 纠缠comprehend充分理解get into对 … 发生兴趣…have to do with与 … 有关draw in火车、汽车进站…necessitate 使 … 成为必需…
S+~+ n./pron.The demonstration involved about 20000 students.约有两万学生参加了这次示威游行。
This problem involves us all.这个问题把我们都牵连进去了。
Certainly, he wasn't going to involve his wife unnecessarily.当然他不想让妻子不必要地介入。
These changes in the business involve the interest of all owners.这些营业上的变更涉及所有股东的利益。
All this involves their interests in Europe.所有这些都牵涉他们在欧洲的利益。
The business seemed to involve an enormous amount of sales.这项生意的销售量似乎很大。
The exploration involves danger.那项探险带有危险性。
The earthquake has involved great damage.这次地震造成重大损失。
A war involves an increase of the national debt.战争导致增加外债。
Higher positions involve greater responsibilities.职位越高,责任越大。
Building this road will involve the construction of ten bridges.造这条路须建10座桥。
His work involves occasional journey.他的工作要求他偶尔出差。S+~+ v -ingThe job involves travelling abroad for three months each year.这项工作包括每年三个月的国外旅行。
To carry on the work would involve living in desolate lands.要进行这项工作,他们就必须居住在荒天野地里。
Housework involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.家务事包括做饭、洗盘子、搞卫生。
To get there involved crossing a number of mountains.要到达那里,必须翻越许多道大山。
S+~+sb's/sb+ v -ingIt would involve my living in the countryside to perform the duty you assigned.要完成你分配的任务,我势必要住到农村去。
To accept the position, your offer would involve me living in London.若接受你提供的职位,我必然得住在伦敦。
To marry this man would involve her living in America.和这个人结婚意味着她不得不住在美国。其他They are very seriously concerned about the problems involved.他们对涉及的问题非常关心。
The expense involved will be shared among us.所花费用将由我们共同负担。

involve的基本意思是如在网中一般“拿住”或“抓住”。可以表示整体性质的包括可以是自然的包括,也可以是必然的结果; 对必不可少的要素的包括和对必要条件的涉及; 也可以表示将人或物带入不易挣脱的境地之中通常强调复杂纷乱和窘迫; 还可以表示有意或额外增加一些观点和项目,使事物复杂化或混淆,从而给自己或他人增加困难。



involve后接介词in表示“使…参与,使…陷入”; 接介词with表示“牵连,涉及”。

用作及物动词A letter of credit willinvolveunnecessary extra charges.信用证包含有不必要的额外开支。
The Genius is a lovable physicist who is deeplyinvolvedin defining the workings of the universe.老天才是一位可爱的学者,他整天忙于解释天地间的各种现象。.
Don'tinvolveother people in your trouble.别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。
I gotinvolvedin a quarrel about the price.我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。
One foolish mistakeinvolvedhim in a good deal of trouble.一个愚蠢的错误使他陷入一大堆麻烦。verb.draw in;include
同义词 affect,associate,catch,commit,comprise,concern,connect,contain,cover,embroil,engage,hold,implicate,link,mean,prove,relate,require,suggestabsorb,argue,bind,complicate,comprehend,compromise,denote,embrace,engross,enmesh,entail,entangle,grip,hook,imply,incorporate,incriminate,inculpate,mire,necessitate,number,preoccupy,presuppose,rivet,tangle,touchmix up,point to,rope in,snarl up,take in,wrap up in
反义词 abandon,cancel,cease,disconnect,dissociate,divide,exclude,let go,release,separate,stop,disentangle,explain,ignore,misunderstand,reject,untangle,untwistfree,remove A star join query typically involves a fact table and several dimension tables, with join predicates between the fact table and each dimension table.
一个星型连接查询通常包含一个事实表和几个维度表,事实表和每个维度表之间都有连接谓词。 ibm




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