

单词 invitation letter
释义 invitation letter ˌɪnviˈteiʃənˈletə 短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
May I see your official invitation letter?
我能看下你的官方邀请函吗? kekenet

Official invitation letter issued for exhibitors.
为参展商开具赴展览会邀请函; qmyy

With our respect, we are writing this Invitation Letter to you.
我们尊重,我们写这封邀请函给你的信。 blog.sina.com.cn

For organized study groups, invitation letter with details of the program, list of participants and an indication of who will be paying associated fees and expenses.
若为团体学习团组,包含项目详情、参与人员名单及所涉及哪方支付相关费用的邀请信。 com

I have NO invitation letter to apply for my Chinese visa.
我没有用于申请中国签证的邀请函。 kuaiyilin

Please pick up the invitation letter and car pass at the IPC.
请柬和车证请到外国记者新闻中心领取。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Please print out your invitation letter, and show it when entering the conference venue.
请将邀请函打印出来,凭邀请函进入会场。 uichina

Postal addresses will be used to send the hardcopy invitation letter and visa information if needed.

So, we request the meeting affairs group and send the invitation letter to us first, only a rough draft, can fax Israel to us.
所以,我们拜托会务组先给我们发邀请函,只要一个草稿,传真给我们就可以了。 dcbbb

The Chinese sponsor would send invitation letter and official notice to the potential participants who have delivered their articles for their participation.
已提交论文的参会者中方会议的主办单位将提供邀请函和参会的正式通知。 jukuu

This invitation letter entitles you to bring two guests along for golf practice and other activities in free of charge.
凭此请柬可携带两名嘉宾入场免费击球及参加活动。 zftrans

Who sends you this invitation letter.
谁寄给你的这封邀请函。 blog.sina.com.cn

You should take your Employment license and your Invitation letter and return to your home country or HK to transact your professional visa.
你需要带着你的就业许可证和邀请函回到你的祖国或香港,然后办理你的职业签证。 hbfzpq

Invitation letter from destination country.
最终目的国的邀请函。 www.vfs-india.com.cn

Send invitation letter as well as company poster foldout.
发邀请函同时附带贵公司宣传页; tianya




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