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词汇 anterior
释义 anterior ænˈtɪriər 
adj.较早的,以前的previous; earlier
a tooth situated at the front of the mouth;

his malocclusion was caused by malposed anteriors

of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a bodyearlier in time来自拉丁语单词ante前面的的比较级形式,和常见前缀ant-/anti-在前面,正对着同源。anterior process前突anterior pituitary垂体前叶,胸垂体前叶…anterior cusp前尖瓣anterior wing前翅anterior horn前角,灰质前角…anterior scleritis医 前巩膜炎…anterior commissure前连合,喉前联合…anterior root前根,脊神经前根,运…anterior arch前弓anterior poliomyelitis脊髓前角灰质炎…anterior branch前支anterior blastomere前裂球anterior pole医 前极anterior urethra前尿道anterior canal前沟anterior border前缘anterior naris鼻前孔,前鼻孔…anterior tubercle前结节anterior presentation头前置anterior lobe垂体前叶,前叶…
ant在…前+er比较级后缀+ior比较级形式⇒空间或时间上比较靠前的。GRE难词记忆anterior→ante=before的比较级词根记忆ante前的+ rior ⇒以前的词根记忆ante+erior…的=前面的GRE红宝书ante 前 + rior 比较近义词 or或者front正面fore在前的prior优先的frontal前的former前者的forward向前的precedent先例leading领导的antecedent前情previous以前的advanced先进的forwards向前地foregoing前面的preceding在前的forerunning初馏before在 … 以前aforesaid上述的forefront最前列front tooth门齿prevenient先前的preexistent先在的preliminary初步的aforementioned上述的反义词 posterior在时间

用作形容词Theanteriorskin of the concha was left intact and its redundancy was corrected by its own viscoelastic property.住院后接受经耳后切口,切除耳壳纺椎形软骨而完成耳朵整形手术,外耳前面的皮肤仍然保持完整。
Then inspect theanteriorshoulders and shoulder girdles for symmetry, noting any atrophy, swelling, or deformity.然后检查前面的肩膀和与之相对的另一边看是否有萎缩,肿胀或变形。
The patient was referred to our clinic due to suspectedanteriorencephalocele.患者因怀疑前部的脑膨出来我处就诊。
The forked boneanteriorto the breastbone of most birds,formed by the fusion of the clavicles.鸟胸的叉骨,如愿骨大多数鸟胸骨前部的叉形骨,因锁骨合并形成的。adj.(beginning, prior
同义词 antecedent,former,past,precedentforegoing,preceding,previous
反义词 after,current,following,future,presentending,posterior,subsequent
antecedentadjective prior
firstadjective earliest in order
aboriginal,antecedent,anterior,basic,beginning,cardinal,early,elementary,first off,front,fundamental,head,headmost,in the beginning,inaugural,inceptive,incipient,initial,introductory,key,lead off,leading,number one,numero uno,opening,original,pioneer,premier,primary,prime,primeval,primitive,primogenial,primordial,pristine,right up front,rudimentary
foregoingadjective come before;previous
formeradjective previous in time or order
above,aforementioned,aforesaid,ancient,antecedent,anterior,bygone,departed,earlier,erstwhile,ex-,first,foregoing,late,long gone,long-ago,of yore,old,once,one-time,past,preceding,prior,quondam,sometime,whilom
forwardadjective in front, first
frontnoun forward, beginning part of something
anterior,bow,breast,brow,exterior,facade,face,facing,façade,fore,foreground,forehead,forepart,front line,frontage,frontal,frontispiece,head,lead,obverse,proscenium,top,van,vanguard Areas of the visual cortex responsible for recognizing complex visual scenes as well as the anterior cingulate gyrus, which governs attention and motivation, are also active during REM sleep.
视觉皮层部分负责识别复杂的视觉场景以及支配注意力与积极性的前扣带皮层活跃在快速动眼期REM。 yeeyan

Dr Snyder, however, has found that stimulating an area called the left anterior temporal lobe improves people’s ability to draw things like animals and faces from memory.
斯奈德教授发现,刺激左侧前颞叶,人们通过记忆描绘动物和人物面部的能力能够得以提高; ecocn

H--- As a player approached a violent encounter, part of his brain called the anterior cingulate cortex became active.
当一个玩家开始一场暴力遭遇战时,他大脑中称为前扣带脑皮质的部分开始活跃。 ecocn

The increased volume was found in the anterior, or front part, of the hippocampus.
海马体是在它的前部数量有了提高。 yeeyan

The circadian rhythm in mammals is regulated by two clusters of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleiSCN in the anterior hypothalamus.
哺乳动物中调节昼夜节律的是两个调节神经细胞群,称为视交叉上核中的下丘脑。 yeeyan

The classic“ blowout fracture” is the result of a blow to the anterior orbit, which increases retroglobar pressures thus breaking the weakest portion of the bony orbit, the medial floor.
典型的“爆裂性骨折”由作用于眼眶前部的冲击力造成,其可增加眼球后部的压力,从而破坏骨性眼眶的最薄弱部分——内侧壁。 yeeyan

The anterior cingulate cortex was activated considerably more in the former than in the latter.
研究显示,前者的大脑前扣带回皮层比后者要活跃的多。 yeeyan

An underactive anterior cingulate has been linked to dementia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression and schizophrenia.
前扣带皮层不够活跃与痴呆、注意缺陷多动障碍、压抑以及精神分裂症有关联。 yeeyan

Anxious monkeys show elevated activity in the amygdala left and anterior hippocampusright, but the effects of heredity seem to act more on the hippocampus.
焦虑的猴子的左边扁桃体和前部海马回表现兴奋,但遗传因素在海马回部分表现更为突出。 yeeyan

As a way of monitoring stress, the investigators tracked neural activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain involved in conflict, uncertainty and monitoring errors.
为了监测紧张程度,研究者测量了前扣带皮层的神经活动,这一脑区会参与冲突、不确定性以及错误监控。 yeeyan

Brain imaging studies show that low offers activate the anterior insula, an area associated with feelings of disgust or anger.
大脑成像表明,当人们收到过低分成时,前脑岛中能引起厌恶、愤怒感觉的部分会被激活。 yeeyan

But research shows a neurological basis for the condition, specifically from anterior lesions in the left hemisphere of the brain associated with language, according to one research analysis.
但是研究表明,以神经学为基础来解释这个现象,很有可能是左半部与语相关联的大脑受到了损害。 yeeyan

For the anterior communicating artery aneurysm or post communicating artery aneurysm, MIP and SSD techniques should be used for further diagnosis.
对于前交通和后交通动脉瘤应进一步用 MIP、 SSD技术明确诊断。 iciba

In a full- thickness defect of the cornea, the anterior chamber aqueous humor will leak from the globe.
在全层性的角膜损伤中,前房内的房水将会从眼球内漏出。 yeeyan

In acute angle-closure glaucoma the elevated intraocular pressure IOP is due to an obstruction to outflow from the anterior chamber.
在急性闭角型青光眼发作时,眼前房房水流出通道的梗阻造成了眼内压 IOP的升高。 yeeyan

Injury to the anterior chamber that disrupts the vasculature supporting the iris or ciliary body results in a hyphema.
眼前房的损伤可破坏支持虹膜及睫状体的血管结构从而引起前房积血。 yeeyan

It can be divided into anterior eyelashes and follicles or posterior meibomian gland orifices inflammation.
它可被分为前部睫毛及滤泡或后部睑板腺开口炎症。 yeeyan

Knee injuries, especially to the anterior cruciate ligament ACL, are some of the most common and serious, the new study found.
新的研究发现,膝盖受伤,特别是前十字韧带 ACL受伤,是最普遍和最严重的。 yeeyan

Other treatments include intravenous acetazolamide or mannitol, anterior chamber paracentesis, and trabeculectomy.
其它治疗方法包括静脉滴注乙酰唑胺或甘露醇,前房穿刺,和小梁切除术。 yeeyan

Pigmented cells in the anterior vitreous, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment, and elevation of the retina with or without retinal break are observed.
另外还可观察到前玻璃体内的色素细胞,玻璃体出血,后玻璃体脱离,视网膜抬高并伴有或不伴有破口。 yeeyan

Researchers also discovered that the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, an area responsible for stress response, was less active when the women were looking at the photos of their other halves.
研究人员还发现,在女性观看爱人的照片时,她们大脑中对于压力做出反应的区域的活动也减少了。 hxen

Sociobiological systems involved in peer affiliation, social hierarchy, kin recognition, and social exchange operate through the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus.
社会交往、社会等级、亲属关系以及社会交换中的社会生物机制通过脑回前侧背面发生作用。 yeeyan

The flood of memories brought back by this revival of an incident anterior to her troubles produced a momentary dismay lest, recognizing her also, he should by some means discover her story.
她回想起在她遭受了不幸以前发生的那件小事,对过去的回忆像潮水一样涌了上来,使她暂时生发出一阵忧郁,害怕他认出她来,并设法发现她的经历。 hjenglish




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