

单词 intramuscular
释义 in·tra·mus·cu·lar 英ˌɪntrəˈmʌskjələ美ˌɪntrəˈmʌskjəlɚAHDĭn'trə-mŭsʹkyə-lər 高COCA⁵⁶⁴⁸³BNC⁶⁵⁴⁵⁶iWeb²⁷²⁹⁶
within a muscle;

an intramuscular injection

intra-,在内,muscle,肌肉。intramuscular inoculation肌内接种intramuscular injection肌肉注射intramuscular dosing肌内注射量intramuscular fat分子内易位intramuscular gland肌内腺
intramuscularinjection肌肉注射 An intramuscular injection of pentagastrin significantly increased the antral pressure P<0.01in all the groups and eliminated the intergroup difference of pressure P>0.05.
肌肉注射五肽胃泌素后所有三组的胃窦肌电频率均明显增加 P<0.01,它们与注射前的差别消失 P<0.05。 cnki

In epilepsy group induced by intramuscular injection of PCN, ECoG and behavior were markedly ameliorated respectively for40% and50% of rats.
肌肉注射青霉素致痫组,行为学及大脑皮质电图明显改善分别为40%和50%。 cnki

It is also confirmed that X- ray examination is the main method of diagnosis in intramuscular hemangioma and offers much help for surgery.
肯定了 X线检查是诊断肌肉血管瘤的主要手段,并对手术治疗帮助很大。 cnki

The mice and chickens were immunized twice,3 weeks apart, by electroporation into muscles or intramuscular injection.
小鼠和鸡分别经电穿孔和肌肉注射免疫两次,间隔为3周。 cnki

The severity of the muscle injury is affected by the degree of the intramuscular pressure and the length of the retraction time.
肌肉损伤的严重程度受肌肉受压程度和牵拉持续时间影响。 haoyisheng

The typical healthy newborn undergoes a number of routine but painful procedures before leaving the hospital including immunization, blood collection and intramuscular injections.
健康新生儿在离开医院之前一般都会经历一系列常规但比较疼痛的过程,包括免疫、采血及肌肉注射。 dxy

This text probes into the review on advances of intramuscular fat and fatty acids in Chinese Swine, It would give some useful information to produce or research Chinese Swine in the world.
综述了我国地方猪种肌肉中脂肪和脂肪酸的研究进展,以期为我国地方猪种开发利用及科研提供一定的经验。 chemyq

A single intramuscular injection of Benzathine Penicillin is curative.
肌内注射一剂苄星青霉素即有疗效。 who

Conclusion: Prolonium iodide could enter eye through blood- ocular barrier and metabolizes slow though intramuscular.
结论:普罗碘铵经肌肉及球后注射能透过血眼屏障进入眼内,代谢缓慢。 cnki

Hib conjugate vaccines, given by intramuscular injection, are highly effective and have almost no side effects.
经肌肉注射的 Hib组合疫苗高度有效并几乎无副作用。 who

However, the IgG level induced by nasal immunization reached a peak value at the16th week, and wass significantly higher than that by intramuscular immunization.
而微球疫苗则在16周才达峰值,且鼻腔免疫组要高于肌肉免疫组。 cnki

In addition, we compare the effects of local intra renal and systemic intramuscular IL-13 gene therapy in kidney transplantation.
另外,我们比较了在肾移植中局部肾内和全身肌内 IL-13基因治疗的效果。 dxy

In this article, the X- ray analysis of phlebography are reported in59 cases with intramuscular cavernous hemangioma in extremities of children.
本文报告了59例小儿肢体肌肉海绵状血管瘤静脉造影的 X线分析。 cnki

Is the move factor that inject uses intramuscular injection or hypodermic?
注射用的转移因子是肌肉注射还是皮下注射? suxuewang

Methods: The immunization was performed by intramuscular injection of DNA and subcutaneous injection of P815- HBV- S.
方法:肌肉注射 DNA疫苗; 背部皮下接种 P815- HBV- S细胞,观察成瘤情况; cnki

Methods The IOP of50 cases100 eyes was measured before and after the intramuscular injection of atropine.
方法观察50例患者100眼肌肉注射阿托品0.5毫克后的眼压变化。 cnki

Objective To investigate the distribution of ligustrazine hydrochloride in guinea pig blood, cerebrospinal fluid and perilymph fluid after intramuscular injection.
目的测定肌肉注射盐酸川芎嗪注射液后川芎嗪在豚鼠血液、脑脊液和耳蜗外淋巴液中的分布。 cnki

Objective To observe the curative effect of botulinum toxin A BTX- A repeated intramuscular injection for treatment of serious spastic cerebral palsy.
目的观察重复肌肉注射 A型肉毒毒素 BTX- A治疗痉挛型脑性瘫痪的疗效。 cnki

Objective: It is to investigate the possibility of midazolam intranasal drop combined with ketamine intramuscular injection as children basic anesthesia.
目的:研究鼻腔滴入咪唑安定复合肌肉注射氯胺酮作为小儿基础麻醉的可行性。 cnki

Objective: To provide medical and nursing staff with the basis of selecting intramuscular injection sites scientifically and suitably.
目的:为医护人员科学合理选用肌肉注射部位提供依据。 cnki

Oral amoxicillin for5 days was as effective as intramuscular ceftriaxone for2 days1 RCT.
口服阿莫西林5天的功效等同于肌肉注射头孢曲松2天1个随机对照试验。 who

The recent development of effective oral drugs and of a single-dose intramuscular drug offers great promise for the future.
最近发展的有效口服药物和一次剂量肌肉注射药物,为未来提供很大希望。 jukuu

The recommended starting dose for long-acting risperidone is25 mg delivered by intramuscular injection every2 weeks.
长效利培酮针剂的推荐起始剂量为25mg,每两周通过肌注给药。 yeeyan

There are supporting data showing a comparable transient lesion after intramuscular IM injection of aluminium- containing vaccines in experimental animal models.
有支持性的证据表明,在实验动物模型中肌肉内( IM)注射含铝疫苗后,可见类似的一过性损伤。 who




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