

单词 antecedent
释义 an·te·ce·dent 英ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt美ˌæntɪˈsidņtAHDăn'tĭ-sēdʹnt ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIMS宝八TCOCA²⁴⁹³¹BNC²²⁴⁰⁴iWeb²⁵⁶⁵⁸

someone from whom you are descended but usually more remote than a grandparenta preceding occurrence or cause or eventanything that precedes something similar in time;

phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience

the referent of an anaphor; a phrase or clause that is referred to by an anaphoric pronoun
preceding in time or order发音释义:'æntə'sidnt n. 前情;先行词;祖先;前辈adj. 先行的;前驱的;先前的
结构分析:antecedent =ante在…之前+cede走+ent形容词后缀→先行的
同源词:precede领先,concede让步,recede后退antecedent money押金antecedent precipitation前期降水量antecedent wetness前期土壤含水量…antecedent river先成河guaranty money for antecedent押柜金antecedent soil water灌前土壤含水量…antecedent temperature前期温度antecedent valley先成谷antecedent moisture径流期前湿度, 异常…antecedent stream早期河流,先成河…antecedent drainage先成水系antecedent precipitation index前期降水指数,前期降…antecedent gorge先成峡
GRE红宝书ante前, cede走-走在前面的事-前事
ante 前 + ced 走→在前面的事→前事
ante前面,先+ced 走+ent→走在前面的 事 →前事
antecedev.先前+ent形容词及名词后缀⇒antecedent n.发生在前的事,先例,前事adj.在先的,在前的词根记忆ante在前+ced走+ent表人→走在前面的人→先辈词根记忆ante在…之前+cede走+ent形容词后缀近义词 root根ago以前leader领袖parent父母ancestor祖宗former前者的forebear祖先precursor先驱precedent先例harbinger先驱leading领导的ascendent运星forerunner先驱anterior前面的predecessor祖先forerunning初馏preceding在前的foregoing前面的ascendant上升的prevenient先前的originator创始人preexistent先在的vaunt-courier前哨preliminary初步的反义词 subsequent随后的

用作名词This is anantecedentof the war.这是战争的前因。
Something out mind always hasantecedent.意想不到的事情总是有其前因的。
The word “man” is theantecedentof “who” in “the man who spoke”.“man”这个字是“the man who spoke”中“who”的先行词。
No one knew theantecedentsof the mysterious stranger.谁也不知道那个神秘陌生人的身世。用作形容词Those were eventsantecedentto the revolution.这些都是革命前的事了。
Physical processes flow inevitably from theirantecedentconditions.物理过程的出现必然有其前提。adj.prior
同义词 anterior,former,past,precedent,preliminaryearlier,foregoing,preceding,precursory,previous
反义词 current,future,present,subsequentafter,following
ancestornoun predecessor in family
ancestrynoun family predecessors;family history
anterioradjective beginning, prior
ascendantnoun ancestor
basisnoun foundation for belief, action
antecedent,assumption,authority,axiom,backbone,background,backing,base,bedrock,cause,center,chief ingredient,core,crux,data,dictum,essence,essential,evidence,explanation,footing,fundamental,hard fact,heart,infrastructure,justification,keynote,keystone,law,nexus,nucleus,postulate,premise,presumption,presupposition,principal element,principle,proof,reason,root,rudiment,sanction,security,source,substratum,support,theorem,theory,underpinning,warrant
beginningnoun origin, cause
antecedent,birth,conception,egg,embryo,font,fount,fountain,fountainhead,generation,genesis,germ,heart,principle,resource,root,seed,stem,well One of the biggest differences between today’s reality television and its1973 antecedent is the genre’s status.
现在的真人秀与1973年的先例的最大的区别就是类型的状况。 yeeyan

The user can then explore the lattice by using specified criteria, such as support and confidence bounds, or by placing restrictions on the antecedent sequence.
用户然后可以使用指定的条件比如支持和置信界限,或在先前的序列上设置限制来分析该格子。 ibm

Did you notice any sign antecedent to the accident?
这事故之前,你注意到什么迹象了吗? sznews

In addition, the interval between pronoun and its antecedent in terms of clause instead of character influences pronoun processing to a certain extent.
代词和先行词之间相隔的分句数而不是字数在一定程度上也影响代词加工。 cnki

In the process of construction of a wide place in the road, we must insist on antecedent programming, reasonable overall arrangement, standing out feature.
在小城镇的建设过程中,要坚持规划先行,合理布局,突出特色的原则; http://dj.iciba.com

Indirect anaphora refers to a special anaphoric structure in which the antecedent of a sentence has no direct relation with the anaphor.
间接回指是指话语上下文中先行成分和照应成分之间没有直接指代关系的一种特殊回指形式。 cnki

Ruby is the antecedent and foundational technology; and Rails does, in some respects, present you with an altered, purpose- driven Ruby environment.
Ruby是一项先行的基础技术;而在某些层面上, Rails则为你提供一个经过量体裁衣的、以目的驱动的 Ruby环境。 infoq

So it has a kind of antecedent-consequent phrase structure with the chord.

Some patients state that lesions develop at the site of antecedent trauma.
一些患者指出,病灶出现在先前的创伤部位。 who

Source- related factors, target-related factors and contextual factors are identified as antecedent constructs for alternative influence strategy choices.
本研究发现「影响者相关因素」、「被影响者相关因素」,以及「系络因素」等三种因素为影响策略选择行为之先行构念。 iciba

That's an antecedent standard. Moral desert.
道德应得,那是一个先行标准。 yeeyan

The present paper suggests that the antecedent research and process research should be combined based on the review of related literatures both in home and overseas.
文章在回顾国内外相关研究的基础上,提出了将前因性实证研究与机制基础性理论研究相结合的论点。 cnki

The study examined the effect of sentence semantics and distance between pronoun and its antecedent on pronoun processing.
考察了句子语义和代词与其先行词之间的距离对代词加工的影响。 cnki

The financial services industry seems like a remarkable microcosm of this diversity of interests, and XML seems to face direct competition from all the antecedent technologies.
在各种不同的关注之中,金融服务行业似乎是特别值得注意的一个小领域, XML似乎面临着原有技术的直接竞争。 ibm

This paper deals with the semantic relationship between the reflexive, especially the picture noun reflexive, and its antecedent.
本文拟就此讨论,特别是探讨“图像”名词词组中反身代词与其先行词的语义关系。 cnki

This may seem like pure success— brilliance, or its antecedent anyway.
这看起来可能就是单纯的成功——卓越,或者它的祖先。 yeeyan

This was consistent with a lemma reaccess account which claimed that reader accessed part of the lexical properties of the antecedent during the processing of pronouns.
研究结果支持了代词加工的词条重新通达假说,该理论认为读者在加工代词时只需通达先行词的部分词汇信息。 cnki




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