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Internet attack 基本例句 网络攻击 And just as every shooting is not necessarily an act of war, every successfulInternet attack, no matter how deadly, is not necessarily an act of cyberwar.就像他们使用枪械和炸弹,他们也可以运用网路攻击。也就像每次发出的攻击,未必得像战争的行动那样;那麽每一次成功的网路攻击,也未必得如同网路战争的行动; In 2005, a young male was attacked for allegedly ditching his pregnant girlfriend who later killed herself.The Internet attacks against him turned into an angry witch hunt.2005年,因被指抛弃了怀孕女友导致其后来自杀,一年轻男子受到了魔咒般的网络攻击。 A new variety of unusually powerful Internet attacks can overwhelm popular Web sites and disrupt e-mails by exploiting the computers that help manage global Internet traffic, according to security researchers.网络安全研究者说:新一轮威力超强的各种网络攻击将击垮一些知名网站,利用计算机控制全球互联网的交通,阻止电子邮件的发送。 |