

单词 answer back
释义 answer back 英'ɑːnsə bæk美'ænsər bæk ★★★★★高八短语²⁶²⁴⁸

To reply impertinentlyanswer back顶嘴
as in.comeback
同义词 back talk,impertinence,quip,rejoinder,repartee,reply,response,retaliation,riposte
反义词 question,requestas in.answer
同义词 acknowledge,argue,claim,defend,deny,explain,plead,resolve,respond,return,say,solvecomeback,contest,counterclaim,disprove,dispute,echo,feedback,parry,rebut,refute,rejoin,remark,retaliate,retort,sass,settle,squelch,topback at you,back-talk,be in touch,field the question,get back at,get back to,give a snappy comeback,shoot back,talk back
反义词 agree,ask,deny,ignore,leave,question,renounce,request,wonder,allow,proveas in.back-talk
同义词 talk backargue,mouth off,sasscomplain,protestas in.mouth off
同义词 back-talk,come back at,sass,sass back,wise offas in.react
同义词 acknowledge,act,answer,behave,counter,feel,perform,proceed,reply,revertbackfire,boomerang,echo,function,operate,rebound,reciprocate,recoil,recur,return,take,workbe affected,bounce back,get back at,give a snappy comeback,give back,have a funny feeling,have vibes,talk back,turn back
反义词 cease,halt,question,stop,idle,keep,refuseas in.respond
同义词 acknowledge,answer,behave,come back,counter,react,reply,returnreciprocate,rejoin,retortact in response,be in touch with,come back at,come in,feedback,feel for,field the question,get back to,get in touch,talk back
反义词 ask,depart,leave,question,requestas in.retort
同义词 rebutcounter,crack,rejoin,repay,reply,requite,respond,retaliate,return,riposte,sass,squelch,topcome back at,shoot back,snap back,talk back
反义词 ask,question,request,takeas in.sass
同义词 back-talk,give lip,mouth off,wise off
answerverb reply, react
acknowledge,argue,back at you,back-talk,be in touch,claim,comeback,contest,counterclaim,defend,deny,disprove,dispute,echo,explain,feedback,field the question,get back at,get back to,give a snappy comeback,parry,plead,rebut,refute,rejoin,remark,resolve,respond,retaliate,retort,return,sass,say,settle,shoot back,solve,squelch,talk back,top
answeredverb reply, react
clarified,conformed,correlated,corresponded,cracked,dealt with,did,doped,doped out,elucidated,filled,fit,licked,measured up,met,passed,qualified,satisfied,served,sufficed,suited,unzipped,worked,worked through
answersverb reply, react
clarifies,conforms,correlates,corresponds,cracks,deals with,does,dopes,dopes out,elucidates,fills,fits,licks,measures up,meets,passes,qualifies,satisfies,serves,suffices,suits,unzips,works,works through
back talkverb answer rudely
answer back,argue,complain,mouth off,protest,sass,talk back
comebacknoun snappy retort
answer back,back talk,impertinence,quip,rejoinder,repartee,reply,response,retaliation,riposte
mouth offverb talk back
answer back,back-talk,come back at,sass,sass back,wise off When they scolded him, he would answer back.

“ If you e- mailed a question, it would take days to get an answer back and lots of times it was just an automated response, ” she says.
“如果你用邮件发出一个问题,要等好几天才有答复,很多次数这些答复都是自动回复的。”她说。 yeeyan

“The man replied, ” I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dare to answer back.
男人回答到,我也很生气的朝着房子的窗户和门大喊,也没有谁敢回应。 hxen

Data Set Answer Back Tone is one of telephone system audible tones that it will be heard when manually initiating a data call.
数据集回应音是采用手拨打数字电话时,可以被听到的电话系统音的一种。 wiki.mycreative.com.cn

Don't answer back to the elders; it's not polite.
不要和长辈顶嘴,这是不礼貌的。 hotdic

Her father said she was lazy, and she did not answer back.
她父亲说她很懒,而她并没回嘴。 tongyi

I remember I answered some smart answer back. I don't know what it was, though.
我记得我回答了一些巧妙的顶嘴。虽然我不记得说了什么了。 www.51testing.com

Jim did not answer back lest his mother should be angry with him.
吉姆没有回嘴,免得妈妈对他生气。 elearning.ccnu.edu.cn

Johnny was angry that people could attack his film when he could not answer back.

No child should be allowed to answer back.
不应该允许任何孩子顶嘴。 blog.sina.com.cn

Social networks are for conversation, so when your Facebook fans post messages and information on your Facebook wall, answer back.
网络社交就是一场对话,所以当你的 F网友给你发信息或留言时,请给他们回复。 yeeyan

Some people do talk to pets as if they were human beings, but they have the satisfaction of knowing that the pets cannot answer back and engage them in argument.
一些人会把宠物当作人一样和它们交谈,他们很高兴这些动物不能回答他们的问题,不会和他们争论。 kuenglish

The people all responded together, “ We will do everything the Lord has said.” So Moses brought their answer back to the Lord.
百姓都同声回答说:“凡耶和华所说的,我们都要遵行。”摩西就将百姓的话回覆耶和华。 ebigear

The child would answer back to all she said.

The engineering department head then passes the answer back down the hierarchy to the engineering functional manager.
然后工程部门的领导再把对方的答复沿层次下达给工程项目经理。 educity

The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps.
这对姐妹,利用一种拙劣的降神会,向灵魂问问题,而灵魂会利用神秘的敲击声或叩击来回答。 hjenglish

Try to tie your answer back to the job requirements.
按照工作要求去回答问题。 www.100yingyu.com

You use the response argument to write the answer back.
您将使用响应参数来编写应答。 ibm




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